
Physics | Here to Win

Here to Win

LSU Physics & Astronomy is WINNING with out-of-this-world discoveries. to support ongoing research. LSU is Here to Win

Two Gravitational Wave Detections

LSU researchers and graduate students working with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, or LIGO, detectors, made the first and second detections of gravitational waves. These detections confirm a major prediction of Albert Einstein's 1915 general theory of relativity and open an unprecedented new window into the cosmos. LSU’s investment in gravitational-wave detection spans more than four decades, and is among the longest of the institutions contributing to the present discovery. 

In May 2016, thirteen physicists and graduate students from LSU, who conduct research where the detections were made at LIGO, in Livingston, La., were among the recipients of the Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics.



photo: international space station

International Space Station Research

LSU researchers are working with collaborators at over 30 institutions in Japan, Italy, and the US to analyze data of the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) now stationed at the International Space Station. 

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Transforming the Cooling Industry

LSU Professor of Physics Shane Stadler is using a magnetocaloric material to change refrigeration & cooling industry. His invention eliminates the use of harmful fluorocarbons and reduces energy usage by 20-50% in both residential and commercial heating and cooling systems. 

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Nobel Prize

LSU Professor of Physics Thomas Kutter was part of the Nobel Prize-winning team recognized for their discovery of neutrino oscillations. Kutter was a member of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, or SNO Collaboration, which made the key measurements by observing neutrinos from the sun.

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Support Ongoing Research

With your support, we can continue to make a profound and lasting contribution to our students, our community and the world. A portion of all gifts is used to defray the costs of administering the funds. All gifts are tax-deductible, as prescribed by law. 

  1. Click the link to to the Department of Physics & Astronomy.
  2. Under the Gift section, select Click to Choose a Fund.
  3. Under the Fund Options section, you can scroll down to make a donation to the Physics and Astronomy Development Fund, College of Science, or type in any of the particular Physics & Astronomy accounts below to which your donation should be directed.