
Herbert Fotso colloquium


Using Computational Methods to Understand Correlated Quantum Systems

University at Albany 

Sept. 21, 2017  at 3:30 PM in Rm. 109 Nicholson Hall.  Host by Juana Moreno

Correlated quantum systems have the potential to significantly transform the world around us. In order to harness this potential, a detailed understanding of their behavior is needed. However, the many degrees of freedom that confer to these systems their rich properties have also made them rather elusive to a theoretical understanding that is based on previously well established analytical methods. Computational approaches have, as a result, played an essential role. I will highlight the success of computational approaches and also identify some of their current limitations. Useful as they may be, the scope of these methods is still restricted and may ultimately be tied to, as postulated by Richard Feynman over 30 years ago, the fact that classical computers are being used to study quantum systems. Today, a new avenue is being explored in which quantum simulators and quantum computing may alter this paradigm. I will introduce quantum simulators and quantum computers from this perspective and also discuss some of the challenges that need to be overcome in this effort.