
Spring 2014

Date Title of Talk Speaker Speaker's Institution Host

Jan. 15
3:30 PM
109 Nicholson

"Emerging Technologies in Breast Imaging
Stephen J. Glick University of Massachusetts Medical School Wayne Newhauser
Jan. 16 "Studying Structure and Function at the Atomic Level"
Argonne National Laboratory Mette Gaarde
Jan. 17

"X-ray Lasers - No Longer Science Fiction"

Hill Memorial Library - 10:00 AM
Light refreshments will be served.

Argonne National Laboratory Sponsored by the
Disginguished Traveling Lecturer Program of the
APS Div. of Laser Sciences
Jan. 23 "Kepler Circumbinary Planets"
San Diego State University Juhan Frank
Jan. 30 "Clinical Research using the Monte Carlo Method"
Uwe Titt The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Wayne Newhauser
Feb. 6 "Applications of Radiation Physics to Electron Beam Therapy Research"
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center Wayne Newhauser
Feb. 13        
Feb. 20        
Feb. 27 "New Horizons in Ab Initio Theory of Atomic Nuclei"
Physics & Astronomy
Jerry Draayer
March 6 "Nuclei-fueled Cosmos in the Era of Petascale Supercomputing"
Kristina Launey LSU
Physics & Astronomy
Jerry Draayer
Special Colloquium
March 11
Rm. 109 Nich
3:30 PM
"Making Structured Metals Transparent to White Light"
Ru-wen Peng National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures
Nanjing University
Rongying Jin
March 13 "Strange Bedfellows: Superconductivity Enabling Magnetism"
Ilya Vekhter LSU
Physics & Astronomy
Mark Jarrell
March 20 "The Uncertainty Principle in the Presence of Quantum Memory"
California Institute of Technology Mark Wilde
March 27        
April 3 "Living on the edge of stability: How do we understand the limits of the nuclear landscape?"

National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
University of Oslo
Jeff Blackmon
Special Colloquium
April 4
DMC Theatre
10:00 AM
"Computing in Science Education. Integrating a Computational Perspective in the Basic Science Education"
National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
University of Oslo
Jeff Blackmon
April 10        
Way Spring Break
April 24 "Heavy Element Synthesis in the Universe"

University of California, Santa Cruz Gabriela Gonzalez

Special Colloquium
April 28
Room 435Nicholson
2:00 PM

"Nonlinear Optics at the Nanoscale"

Harvard University John DiTusa
May 1 "Topological Defects in Hexagonal Manganites: from Multiferroics to Cosmology"

Rutgers University Jiandi Zhang
May 8 "Building with Crystals of Light and Quantum Matter: From Clocks to Computers"

University of Colorado
Daniel Sheehy