
Spring 2015

Date Title of Talk Speaker Speaker's Institution Host

Jan. 22
3:30 PM
119 Nicholson

"Investigation of modern photon, electron and proton radiotherapy technologies for pediatric and breast cancer patients"
Rui Zhang Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center & LSU Wayne Newhauser
Jan. 29 "Instrumentation driven science for unraveling emergent phenomena"
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory John Ditusa and Ward Plummer

Feb. 2
3:30 PM
435 Nicholson

"Early Prediction of Clinical Outcome in Cervical Cancer during Radiation Therapy"
Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University Wayne Newhauser
Feb. 5 "Heating in atomic- and molecular-scale junctions"
Rice University Ilya Vekhter

Feb 10
3:30 PM
119 Nicholson

"Use of PET for proton therapy verification and hybrid nanoparticles"
Jongmin Cho UT MD Anderson Cancer Center Wayne Newhauser

Feb. 12
"Quantum Fluctuations and Phase Transitions"
The Ohio State University Ilya Vekhter and Phil Adams
Feb. 19        
Feb. 26        


March 5

"DANCEing with the Stars: Neutron Capture and the Stellar Origins of the Heavy Elements"
Aaron Couture Los Alamos National Lab Jeff Blackmon
March 12 "Hysteresis, Avalanches, and Slow Relaxation: Complex non-equilibrium spin dynamics in a simple Zeeman-limited superconductor"
Philip Adams 51Âþ»­ Ilya Vekhter
March 19 "Thirty Meter Telescope: The Next Generation of Ground Based Optical/Infra Red Observatory"
Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory Corp. Robert Hynes
March 26 "The miracle of molecules: quantum magnetism in ultracold matter"
Rice University Jonathan Dowling
April 2 "Manipulation of Phonon and Spin Dynamics at the Nanoscale"
University of Maryland Jiandi Zhang
April 16 "Quantum Gravity Comes of Age"
University of Florida Ivan Agullo
April 23 "The quantum and classical world of atomic spins on surfaces"
Jiandi Zhang
April 30 "Direct Detection of Dark Matter: From Microphysics to Observational Signatures"
University of Louisiana - Lafayette James Matthews
May 7 "Implications to High Tc Superconducting Mechanism from Iron-Based Superconductors"
Purdue University Rongying Jin