
Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Spring 2016

Date Title of Talk Speaker Speaker's Institution Host

Jan. 21

"Surfaces of topological solids: the good, the bad, and the ugly" Ilya Vekhter LSU / Physics Juhan Frank
Jan. 28 "Chain Dynamics in Polymer Melts and Nanocomposites" LSU/Chemistry John DiTusa
Feb. 4 "Cataclysmic Evolution of the Inner Solar System" Gary Byerly LSU/Geology & Geophysics Juhan Frank
Feb 11 "Computing the Heart of Matter" Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics/Triumf

Jerry Draayer/

Ed Zganjar

Feb. 18 "Superconductors Old and New" UC Berkeley Ward Plummer
Feb. 25 "New Frontiers in Simulating Black Hole Accretion and Jets" UC Berkeley Juhan Frank
March 3 "A Decade of Super-Luminous Supernova Discoveries: The Physics of Extreme Stellar Catastrophes" University of Chicago Juhan Frank
March 8(Tuesday) "From Fermilab to the Sun to FRIB and JLab: Nuclear Reactions for Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and their own sake" University of Washington

Jerry Draayer/

Ed Zganjar

March 10 "Understanding fundamentals with femtostructures" Kristina Launey LSU / Physics

Jerry Draayer/

Ed Zganjar

March 15


"Gravitational wave and electromagnetic signals from merging black holes and neutron stars" Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Juhan Frank
March 17 "BEC Analog Black Holes: Density-Density Correlation Function and the Hawking Effect" Wake Forest University Ivan Agullo

March 29


"Sizing Up the Stars" Yale University

Juhan Frank

March 31 "Confronting fundamental challenges facing lattice quantum chromodynamics" MIT

Jerry Draayer/

Ed Zganjar

April 7 "Critical matter, chiral symmetry breaking and emergent Higgs mechanism" University of Colorado Dan Sheehy
Ilya Vekhter

April 12


"Explore & Control Complex Oxide Interfaces with Atomic Precision" LSU / Physics

Jiandi Zhang

April 14 Hearne Eminent Lecture Series
"Quantum machine learning-How quantum computers can learn patterns classical computers can't"
MIT Mark Wilde

April 15


at 5 pm in room 130 Nicholson

Hearne Eminent Lecture Series
"QUANTUM LIFE-How biological systems use quantum mechanics"

MIT Mark Wilde
April 21 "Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman, when you say materials design is fundamental physics" Cornell University Ilya Vekhter

April 28

at LSU Digital Media Center Theatre

"Beyond publishing papers. The challenges and rewards of launching and running a high-tech startup: a personal perspective"  University of California San Diego and FASTech Jorge Pullin
May 5 "Quantum computers and classical computers: using them together and telling them apart" IBM Mark Wilde

Lectures & Seminars