Physics & Astronomy Colloquium
Spring 2016
Date | Title of Talk | Speaker | Speaker's Institution | Host |
Jan. 21 |
"Surfaces of topological solids: the good, the bad, and the ugly" | Ilya Vekhter | LSU / Physics | Juhan Frank |
Jan. 28 | "Chain Dynamics in Polymer Melts and Nanocomposites" | LSU/Chemistry | John DiTusa | |
Feb. 4 | "Cataclysmic Evolution of the Inner Solar System" | Gary Byerly | LSU/Geology & Geophysics | Juhan Frank |
Feb 11 | "Computing the Heart of Matter" | Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics/Triumf |
Ed Zganjar |
Feb. 18 | "Superconductors Old and New" | UC Berkeley | Ward Plummer | |
Feb. 25 | "New Frontiers in Simulating Black Hole Accretion and Jets" | UC Berkeley | Juhan Frank | |
March 3 | "A Decade of Super-Luminous Supernova Discoveries: The Physics of Extreme Stellar Catastrophes" | University of Chicago | Juhan Frank | |
March 8(Tuesday) | "From Fermilab to the Sun to FRIB and JLab: Nuclear Reactions for Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and their own sake" | University of Washington |
Jerry Draayer/ Ed Zganjar |
March 10 | "Understanding fundamentals with femtostructures" | Kristina Launey | LSU / Physics |
Jerry Draayer/ Ed Zganjar |
March 15 (Tuesday) |
"Gravitational wave and electromagnetic signals from merging black holes and neutron stars" | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Juhan Frank | |
March 17 | "BEC Analog Black Holes: Density-Density Correlation Function and the Hawking Effect" | Wake Forest University | Ivan Agullo | |
March 29 (Tuesday) |
"Sizing Up the Stars" | Yale University |
Juhan Frank |
March 31 | "Confronting fundamental challenges facing lattice quantum chromodynamics" | MIT |
Jerry Draayer/ Ed Zganjar |
April 7 | "Critical matter, chiral symmetry breaking and emergent Higgs mechanism" | University of Colorado | Dan Sheehy Ilya Vekhter |
April 12 (Tuesday) |
"Explore & Control Complex Oxide Interfaces with Atomic Precision" | LSU / Physics |
Jiandi Zhang |
April 14 | Hearne Eminent Lecture Series "Quantum machine learning-How quantum computers can learn patterns classical computers can't" |
MIT | Mark Wilde | |
April 15 (Friday) at 5 pm in room 130 Nicholson |
Hearne Eminent Lecture Series |
MIT | Mark Wilde | |
April 21 | "Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman, when you say materials design is fundamental physics" | Cornell University | Ilya Vekhter | |
April 28 at LSU Digital Media Center Theatre |
"Beyond publishing papers. The challenges and rewards of launching and running a high-tech startup: a personal perspective" | University of California San Diego and FASTech | Jorge Pullin | |
May 5 | "Quantum computers and classical computers: using them together and telling them apart" | IBM | Mark Wilde |