
Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

Spring 2017                           Fall 2017

NOTE: All colloquia will be held on THURSDAY at 3:30 PM in Rm. 119 Nicholson, unless otherwise indicated.

Date Title of Talk Speaker Speaker's Institution Host

Jan. 19
Room 130

Memories, Symmetries, and Soft Theorems    Harvard University Jorge Pullin
Jan. 26 Betelgeuse  U. Texas at Austin  Manos Chatzopoulos
Feb. 2 Functional Materials by Design  Vanderbilt University  Ward Plummer
Feb. 9

From Basic Science to Innovation – An example from the new science of attosecond light

 INRS-ÉMT, Canada

  Ken Schafer

Feb. 16  Î›CDM Cosmology: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities for Progress  U. California Santa Cruz  Juhan Frank
Feb. 23 A new window into supernovae and their progenitors with Las Cumbres Observatory  Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) and UCSB   Manos Chatzopoulos

March 2



A View with AGN Population Studies of the Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes


University of Richmond Ravi Rau  
March 9

Emergent Phenomena Induced by Quantum Fluctuation

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Rongying Jin

March 16



Special colloquium

March 21


Virgo - the third eye Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences Param Singh

Hearne Eminent Lecture

March 22



Room 130 Nicholson

Quantum Shannon Theory - On the ultimate physical limits of communication Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona  Mark Wilde and Jon Dowling

March 23

Entanglement and the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, Physics  Mark Wilde and Jon Dowling 

March 27


Room 130 Nicholson

Breakthrough Listen: Expanding the Search for Life Beyond Earth  University of California, Berkeley Tabetha Boyajian
April 6 Initial Conditions for Inflation University of Texas at Austin Ivan Agullo 
Spring Break        
April 20 Testing Superstring Theory with Cosmological Observations?  McGill University  Ivan Agullo 
April 27 Ion Traps for Astrophysics: Where no Trap has Gone Before Argonne National Laboratory  Scott Marley

May 3


Room 435 Nicholson

Neutrinos: the lightest matter can have the heaviest consequences! Oxford University and STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Thomas Kutter

May 4

Room 435 Nicholson



How do biology processes differ from those of physics? What different mathematical descriptions are needed in these two case? University of Cape Town, South Africa Jorge Pullin


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