
Physics & Astronomy Colloquium


Spring 2019

Note: All colloquia will be held on Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in Rm. 119 Nicholson, unless otherwise indicated.

Date Title of Talk Speaker Speaker's Institution Host
Jan. 10 Terrestrial Gamma Flashes Observed by GBM University of Alabama Huntsville Michael Cherry 
Jan. 17 A New Era of Precision in Doppler Exoplanet Science  U C Irvine Manos Chatzopoulos 

Jan. 23

(Hearne Eminent Lecture)
Wednesday, 5:00 pm

The Second Kind of Impossible: The Extraordinary Quest for a New Form of Matter

Princeton University Jorge Pullin
Jan. 24 The Bouncing Universe Princeton University Jorge Pullin
Jan. 31 Galactic Dosimetry and Ground-based Health Practical Physics Solutions, LLC Wayne Newhauser

Feb. 7

Anomalous Velocity and Geometry in Wave Mechanics University of Pennsylvania E. Ward Plummer

Feb. 11

(Monday - 

NICH room 435)

Nuclear Activation Analysis — A Versatile Nuclear Assay South Carolina State University Wayne Newhauser

Feb. 14

(12 pm - NICH room 435)

From Protoplanetary Disks to Exoplanets: Characterizing Planets from Infancy to Maturity University of Wyoming Tabetha Boyajian

Feb. 21

Feb. 28 Operational Space Radiation Environment: Analogs, Pathogenesis, and Translation Into Clinical Outcomes in Humans Texas A&M University  Wayne Newhauser

March 7

Quasars in the Age of Big Data and Time-Domain Astronomy University of Michigan  Geoffrey Clayton

March 14


March 21

From Tens to Tens of Thousands: Supernovae Science in the Big-Data Era Space Telescope Science Institute Geoffrey Clayton

March 28

Planetary Evolution in Two Acts: Eclipsing Disks and Transiting Planets Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Geoffrey Clayton

April 4

The Whole Iceberg: Completing the Census of Exoplanets with the WFIRST Microlensing Survey Ohio State University Geoffrey Clayton
April 11 Using Big Data to Understand Galaxy Formation in our Neighborhood Montana State University  Geoffrey Clayton

April 18

Spring Break

April 24

(Hearne Eminent Lecture)
Wednesday, 3:30 - 5 pm

Quantum Computing and the Entanglement Frontier California Institute of Technology Jonathan P. Dowling
April 25 Quantum Machine Learning: A Framework for Near-Term Quantum Computing Los Alamos National Laboratory Mark Wilde
May 2 Black Hole Entropy and Gravitational Wave Observations Penn State University  Ivan Agullo

May 8

The Origin of Supermassive Black Holes Montana State University Geoff Clayton

Lectures & Seminars