T. Gregory Guzik
Professor Emeritus of Physics
Ph.D., 1980 - University of Chicago
Department of Physics & Astronomy
359-C Nicholson Hall, Tower Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4001
Research Interests
Particle Astrophysics
My research involves experimental and theoretical projects involving solar energetic particles, interplanetary effects, magnetospherically trapped particles, and the origin, acceleration, and transport of the Galactic Cosmic Rays. 1) TRANSPORT experiments to measure heavy ion nuclear fragmentation cross sections for use in modeling the propagation of cosmic ray nuclei through interstellar space, working at the LBL Bevalac heavy ion accelerator, using the Heavy Ion Spectrometer System (HISS) and the Zero-Degree Spectrometer we studied the breakup of 16O - 40Ca ions on H, C, and CH2 targets. 2) A new cosmic ray experiment, the Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC), is extending the JACEE measurements with a fully active Bismuth Germanate calorimeter, covering the energy range 1012 - 1014 eV. ATIC was calibrated at CERN, and has flown twice in Antarctica. 3) We are involved in mission concept studies/designs for the proposed ACCESS (Advanced Cosmic ray Composition Experiment for the Space Station) mission. ACCESS will consist of a calorimeter to measure the spectra of protons, helium, and light nuclei up to the knee (for which ATIC is a prototype) and a transition radiation detector to measure the flux and composition of heavier nuclei. 4) The development of a fast (30 microsecond time resolution) charge coupled devices plus finely segmented scintillator arrays capable of detecting individual x-rays and gamma rays will (for the first time) allow x-ray/gamma ray spectroscopy with a CCD. Although the primary application is a hard x-ray telescope (MARGIE, Minute-of-Arc Resolution Gamma ray Imaging Experiment) capable of localizing gamma ray bursts and performing an all-sky hard x-ray survey on a 100-day Ultra-Long Duration Balloon flight, the detectors have applications to medical imaging and biological research, nondestructive testing, and remote surveillance. I am also heavily involved in Education/Outreach, principally K-12 teacher enhancement and public outreach, involving the Highland Road Park Observatory for which I serve on the executive committee and am director of projects. I was a PI on the "Physics Learning and Astronomy Training Outreach (PLATO)" teacher training project, have been PI on IDEAS, SERCH and NASA E/PO project and am currently project director for Louisiana Aerospace Catalysis Experiences for Students (LaACES) and PI of the "Informal Continuing Education in Space Science" project.
Current and Select Publications
- O. Adriani, et al., “Direct Measurement of the Nickel Spectrum in Cosmic Rays in the Energy Range from 8.8 GeV/n to 240 GeV/n with CALET on the International Space Station,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 131103 (2022)
- O. Adriani et al., “Direct Measurement of the Cosmic-Ray Carbon and Oxygen spectra from 10 GeV/n to 2.2 TeV/n with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station,” Physical Review Letters, 125, 251102 (2020)
- N.C. Bryan et al., “Abundance and survival of microbial aerosols in the troposphere and stratosphere,” The ISME Journal, 13, 2789-2799 ,(2019)
- O. Adriani et al., “Direct Measurement of the Cosmic-Ray Proton Spectrum from 50 GeV to 10 TeV with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station,” Physical Review Letters, 122, 181102 (2019)
- O. Adriani, et al., “Extended Measurement of the Cosmic-Ray Electron and Positron Spectrum from 11 GeV to 4.8 TeV with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope on the International Space Station,” Physical Review Letters, 120, 261102, (2018)
- O. Adriani, et al., “The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) for high-energy astroparticle physics on the International Space Station, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 632, 012023 (2015)
- T.G. Guzik for the HASP Collaboration, “The High Altitude Student Platform (HASP) as a Model Multi-Payload Balloon Platform,” 2015 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 10.1109/AERO 2015.7118985 (2015)
- N.C. Bryan et al., “A method for sampling microbial aerosols using high altitude balloons,” Journal of Microbiological Methods, 107, 161-168 (2014)
- Guzik et al., “TETRA observation of gamma-rays at ground level associated with nearby thunderstorms”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 7841-7849 (2013)
- J. Chang et al., "An excess of cosmic ray electrons at energies of 300-800 GeV," Nature, 456, 362-365 (2008)
- Guzik, T.G., Besse, A., Calongne, A., Dominique, A., Ellison, S.B., Gould, R., Granger, D., Olano, D., Smith, D., Stewart, M., and Wefel, J.P., "Development of the High Altitude Student Platform," in press Advances in Space Research, doi: 10.1016/j. asr.2007.04.068, (2007).
- T.G. Guzik, J.H. Adams, H.S. Ahn, G. Bashindzhangyan, K.E. Batkov, J. Chang, M. Christl, A. Fazely, O. Ganel, R. Gunasingha, J. Isbert, K.C. Kim, E.N. Kouznetsov, M. Panasyuk, A. Panov. W.K.H. Schmidt, E.S. Seo, N.V. Sokolskaya, J.W. Watts, J.P. Wefel, J. Wu, and V. Zatsepin, "Enhancing the ATIC Charge Resolution," in press Advanced in Space Research (2007).
- A.D. Panov et al., "Relative abundances of cosmic ray nuclei B-C-N-O in the energy region from 10 GeV/n to 300 GeV/n. Results from ATIC-2 (the science flight of ATIC)," (2007) pp.4, to appear in the proceedings of 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2007), Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 3-11 July 2007.
- Alexander D. Panov, et al., "The results of ATIC-2 experiment for elemental spectra of cosmic rays," (2006) pp. 7, to appear in the proceedings of 29th All-Russian Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow, Russia, 3-5 August 2006.
- D. Saltzberg, et al., "Introduction to the SalSA, a saltdome shower array as a GZK neutrino observatory," SLAC-REPRINT-2006-163, 2006, pp2, Abstract only - Not a full paper. Prepared for International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities (ARENA 05), Zeuthen, Germany, 17-19 May 2005; Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 21S1, 252-253 (2006); also in Zeuthen 2005, Acoustic and radio EeV neutrino detection activities, 252-253.
- T.G. Guzik and J.P. Wefel, "The High Altitude Student Platform (HASP) for Student-Build Payloads," Advances Space Research 37, 2125 (2006).
- T.G. Guzik, K. Johnson, and J.P. Wefel, "The Louisiana ACES Student-Built Balloon Sat Program," Adv. Space Research 38, 2253 (2005).
- M.L. McConnell, et al., "CASTER - A Concept for a black hole finder probe based on the use of new scintillator technologies," August 2005, pp. 12; Presented at SPIC Conference on Optics and Photonics 2005, San Diego, California, 31 July - 4 August 2005.
- N.V. Sokolskaya, et al., "Albedo in the ATIC experiment: Measurements and simulations," Phys. Atom. Nucl. 68, 1176-1182 (2005); Yad. Fiz.68, 1225-1232 (2005).
- O. Ganel, et al., "Beam tests of the balloon-borne ATIC experiment," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 552, 409-419 (2005).