
Visible ray optics set - Reflection and Refraction

Lecture Demonstrations


Geometric Optics

Visible ray optics set - Reflection and Refraction


  • Students will recognize that refraction occurs at the boundary (interface) between two transparent materials.
  • Students will be able to discover that the angle of refraction when light passes from plastic to air is larger than the angle of incidence.
  • Students will discover that there is an angle of incidence (when the light ray is passing from plastic to air) is not refracted but is reflected totally internally. This phenomenon is called total internal reflection.
     Power source for the light box
     Light box and optical set
  • Lamp
  • Replacement Filters
  • Lenses
  • Mirrors
  • Replacement slit plates

A bell is rung in the container. Then air is pumped out of the container and the sound begins to diminish.

photo: Objectives:  Students will recognize that refraction occurs at the boundary (interface) between two transparent materials. Students will be able to discover that the angle of refraction when light passes from plastic to air is larger than the angle of incidence. Students will discover that there is an angle of incidence (when the light ray is passing from plastic to air) is not refracted but is reflected totally internally. This phenomenon is called total internal reflection. APPARATUS:  LOCATION:      Power source for the light box  I3      Light box and optical set  I4 Lamp Replacement Filters Lenses Mirrors Replacement slit plates  A bell is rung in the container. Then air is pumped out of the container and the sound begins to diminish.