Pregnancy Resources for Students

At LSU, we want to ensure all students have the resources needed in order to succeed and achieve their academic goals. Students who become pregnant while in school may become overwhelmed with questions and it is our goal to help those students navigate the resources available to them during their pregnancy and parenting journey.

We welcome our students to engage with our pregnancy advocates to make a postpartum plan, so that when baby arrives, you feel comfortable and confident during your school absence. 

Campus Resources

  • Resources and Referral - The Student Health Center offers case management services for pregnancy information, referrals and resources. Nutrition counseling is also available.
  • Disability Services - Disability Services can provide accommodations when there are special needs or complications that occur during pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy Testing - The Gynecology (GYN) Clinic at the Student Health Center provides pregnancy testing and counseling, but does not provide prenatal care.
  • Lactation Spaces - LSU currently has 16 lactation spaces equipped with comfortable chairs, a table for nursing equipment, sanitizing spray and wipes, and electrical outlets for pumps. 
  • Temporary Medical Parking - Students can apply for temporary medical parking through LSU Parking & Transportation Services if a parking accommodation is approved by a physician.

Community Resources

Baton Rouge has several resources for expecting mothers. 

Nutrition, Counseling, Education & Financial Support 

Family Road Healthy Start 

offers the Healthy Start program, which is a community-based program designed to give babies the best possible start in life, by improving families’ access to healthcare, social services and information in East Baton Rouge. The program is free and open to any pregnant woman in EBR parish. New parenting classes and specific classes for new fathers are also available. For more information, call 225-201-8888 or visit the office at the address below.

Family Road Healthy Start

323 East Airport Avenue

Baton Rouge, LA 70806


will pay for pregnancy-related services, including doctor visits, lab work, prescription medicines, delivery, and hospital care. It may provide coverage for up to 60 days following the end of your pregnancy. International students may also utilize La Moms for additional financial assistance for prenatal care.

Nurse Family Partnership

provides support and resources during pregnancy and until the 2nd birthday. Expectant mothers must be enrolled before 29 weeks and must qualify for medical, WIC, SNAP, TANF, SSI.


The formerly known as Food Stamps, provides monthly benefits that help low-income households buy the food they need for good health.

Women Infants & Children (WIC)

  • Three locations in Baton Rouge Area
  • Provides Nutrition support
  • Income guidelines to qualify

YWCA Greater Baton Rouge - Early Head Start

  • Services for pregnant women
  • Education child care and family support 6 weeks-3 years

Additional Resources and Special Needs:

 - Department of Child and Family Services

  • Kinship Care Subsidy Program (KCSP) - Provides cash assistance for eligible children who reside with qualified relatives other than parents.
  • Child Support Enforcement Services - Provides parent locator and paternity establishment services, as well as assistance to establish and enforce child and/or medical support orders and collection and distribution of child support payments.