

National Suicide Prevention Hotline

Dial 988

We appreciate you visiting our website and learning about us, our research, and our services.  The information provided on this website is strictly for informational/educational purposes and is not meant to substitute in any way for psychological diagnosis and/or treatment under the care of a highly-trained professional.  The contact information on this site is also not monitored continuously (i.e., not monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).  Your patience in understanding it may take several days to respond to your questions and requests for information is appreciated (especially for requests made after business hours, during weekends, or during LSU academic calendar holidays).  Neither LSU, the Center, the Department of Psychology, or affiliated faculty, staff, and students are responsible for the content of links to external websites and do not necessarily endorse  or authenticate their content.

We respect and protect patient and participant privacy as required by the highest ethical standards of our profession and the law.  As a result, in order to protect confidentiality, no photographs or depictions on this site are of actual clients or research participants.  All research conducted through the PSC receives the approval of the LSU Institutional Review Board (lsu.edu/research/resources_for_faculty/research_compliance/institutional_review/IRB.php) to ensure that the highest research standards are in place and maintained.  Clinical services currently provided through the Center are done so through the supervision of licensed clinical or school psychologists.

All rights to information presented in this website are retained by the Psychological Services Center, the Department of Psychology, LSU, or other contributors, and unauthorized use or duplication in any way for any purpose is strictly prohibited. Copyright-2014—All Rights Reserved.

If this is not an emergency and you need to contact your therapist, please call 225-578-1494

If you currently have an emergency, please call 911.

Contact Us

To protect your privacy, please call us.

Phone: 225-578-1494
Fax: 225-578-4661

Emergency? Call 911 and/or contact other Emergency Resources.

Schedule & Closures

Summer Office Hours:
Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Upcoming Closures: The PSC will be closed after Friday, August 2 will reopen on Monday, August 19

Student Survivors of Interpersonal Violence Support Group
This group aims to provide a safe space for LSU students who are survivors of sexual assault to openly discuss their stories and gain healing. You can check out instagram for more information by clicking this link: . You can also click the link our the PSC's website to complete the interest form.

Payment is due at the time of service and can be paid via check, cash, or credit card.
The PSC now offers an online payment option. Clients will receive an invoice for a service that must be paid online before their scheduled appointment.