Syllabus Database

The Office of the University Registrar is pleased to announce the creation of a syllabus database.  This initiative was prompted by a Student Government resolution that recommended the creation of the database.  With the assistance and guidance of Information Technology Services, the database is now a reality.

While faculty are not required to post their syllabi to the database, the University hopes that they will do so.  It will be a tremendous help to students as they select classes to schedule for upcoming terms. Hopefully, it will decrease the amount of “turbulence” in their schedules that occurs beginning with the first class day each semester.

Students may access the database under the Registration Services tab at the myLSU portal. Additionally, the database may be accessed by visiting: . All faculty will have access to update the database with their syllabi. Graduate Assistants do not have update access to the syllabus database. To have your syllabus uploaded, send to Assistant Registrar Capri Alvarez ( to upload on your behalf.

Please see the frequently asked questions document below for additional information regarding the database.  If you have questions regarding the database, please contact the Office of the University Registrar at

Syllabus Database FAQ for Students

Syllabus Database FAQ for Faculty