Student Course Enrollment Information & Override Requests

Most classes can be added to your schedule directly through MyLSU. If the course or section is full you may add yourself to the waitlist.  Students on the waitlists are automatically moved into the course or section once space becomes available. If there is space and MyLSU will not allow you to add the course or section check to be sure that you meet the prerequisite/s for that course.

The prerequisite/s can be found under Student Course Information.

If you have met the prerequisite/s and MyLSU will not allow you to add the course or section, you may fill out and complete the Override request form. Once submitted, the IntroBio office will review and assess the request. To access the form please click the link provided below.

Introductory Biology Program Policy on Students taking prerequisite courses at other Institutions:

Students planning to take a course or courses at other Institutions, that serve as prerequisites for Introductory Level Biology courses at LSU, should first consult the Tiger Transfer Tables to ensure the course(s) is equivalent and accepted as a transferable credit (ex. A student is taking the equivalent BIOL 1201 course at ULL in the summer semester and wishes to enroll in BIOL 1202 for the fall). 

Students will not be able to schedule courses in the next semester if currently enrolled in a prerequisite course. The student must consult with the department, Introductory Biology Program, to request an override by completing the .  If approved, enrollment overrides are contingent upon the student successfully completing the prerequisite courses. Failure to do so will result in being purged from the overridden course

Transcripts are received, evaluated, and processed by Undergraduate Admissions.  If you have questions about where they are in the transfer process, you must contact their office, or 225-578-1175. Note, the admissions process can take time and may not upload your transfer credits for 30 days or more. Due to this possible delay, we ask that verification of prerequisite credits also be submitted to

If you have any questions about scheduling or not meeting this pre-requisite, you must contact your academic advisor.

For more Course Information & LSU Policies related to enrollment and courses, please visit University’s Center for Freshman Year’s (UCFY) webpage by clicking the link provided below.

UCFY’s website under ‘policy information’: Information for students enrolling in courses at another institution.