
Information for Students Enrolling in Courses at Another Institution

This form is for general information purposes only. It is the student’s responsibility to contact relevant departments for information pertinent to the student’s individual situation. LSU students may elect to enroll at another institution with the intent to return to LSU in a future semester. Please review the information below carefully prior to enrolling at another institution.

Concurrent and Cross Enrollment Policies

Students may take a course at BRCC or Southern through the LSU Cross-Enrollment Programs with approval from UCFY. Other than BRCC or Southern, LSU students cannot enroll at two institutions simultaneously. Students wishing to appeal this policy can contact ucfy@lsu.edu.

LSU Summer School Options


LSU F Grade Policy

Students who earned an “F” in a course at LSU must repeat the course at an LSU campus to receive credit and quality points for the course at LSU. If a course in which a grade of an “F” was earned at LSU is repeated at another institution without prior approval, credit will not be accepted by LSU and the course cannot apply to the student’s degree program. In special circumstances, students can appeal to their senior college to take a course in which an “F” grade was earned at LSU at another institution prior to enrolling in a course. Submission of appeal does not guarantee approval.

LSU Repeated Courses Policy

Students cannot repeat a course in which a grade of C- or higher has been earned. In special circumstances, a student may appeal to their college to request an exception to this policy. Students wishing to explore an exception to this policy can contact UCFY at ucfy@lsu.edu.

If a student repeats a duplicate or related course, unless otherwise stated in the course description, credit will be awarded only once for a course. The last grade earned in a repeated course will be the grade applied toward graduation, even if it is lower than the previous grade. If a student receives a failing grade when repeating a course for which a passing grade had been previously earned, the student will lose the credit previously earned for the course. All course attempts will be recorded on the LSU transcript.

LSU Grade Exclusion Policy

The LSU Grade Exclusion Policy allows students to improve their undergraduate LSU and cumulative GPAs by repeating a maximum of three courses (up to 12 hours) in which a grade of “D+” or lower was earned and requesting that the repeat grade be the only one that is used in the GPA calculation. Students are only able to implement grade exclusion for courses initially taken and then retaken on the LSU-Baton Rouge campus. Transfer courses from other institutions are not eligible for grade exclusion.

Tiger Transfer Tables

The Tiger Transfer Tables (TTT) lists courses previously evaluated by LSU faculty for transfer equivalency. The table is intended as a resource for students to determine how courses from other institutions will be accepted at LSU, but is not a comprehensive list of all colleges or transferable credits. Students can access the TTT as well as more information on how courses transfer to LSU on the Undergraduate Admissions website. Transfer course equivalency does not ensure credit hours are equal to LSU courses (ex. Math 1550 is 5 hours at LSU and may be 4 hours at other institution). Students must confirm course credit hours at transfer institution are equal to LSU credit hours found in other institution catalog.

If desired course is not listed on the Tiger Transfer Tables, students can submit a course evaluation request at lsu.edu/evaluation.

Taking a Prerequisite at another Institution Required to Enroll in an LSU Course

Students planning to take a prerequisite course at another institution for an LSU course for which they wish to enroll in a future term must consult with the department offering the LSU course to determine when the student can enroll at the LSU course (ex. A student is taking MATH 1021 at ULL in the summer semester and wishes to enroll in MATH 1022 for the fall). Enrollment eligibility is determined by the department offering the course.

LSU Residency Policy

Candidates for a bachelor’s degree must earn at least 25 percent of the total number of hours required for the degree at LSU and meet the residency requirements of their senior college.

Senior College Enrollment Approval

LSU senior college have varied residency requirements (the amount of hours and conditions on coursework that must be completed while enrolled in the senior college to earn a degree) and academic requirements/policies. Please review the information table regarding taking coursework at other institutions for your senior college.

College Policy Regarding Enrollment at Other Institutions Residency Requirement Contact Information
College of Agriculture Contact senior college prior to enrolling Last 30 hours agri@lsu.edu 
College of Art & Design Contact senior college prior to enrolling Last 30 hours adsn@lsu.edu 
College of the Coast & Environment Contact senior college prior to enrolling Last 30 hours ttreloar@lsu.edu 
E.J. Ourso College of Business Must seek pre-approval from the senior college prior to registering for courses at another institution Last 24 hours advisor@lsu.edu 
College of Engineering Contact senior college prior to enrolling in courses at another institution if a course is not showing on the Tiger Transfer Tables Last 30 hours, 15 of which must be 3000/4000-level required major dept. courses or approved tech electives, with 9 of the 15 being 4000-level courses in the major engr@lsu.edu 
College of Human Sciences & Education Contact senior college prior to enrolling in courses at another institution if a course is not showing on the Tiger Transfer Tables . Students must adhere to university policy related to taking courses at another institution.  (Noted above and listed in the catalog). Special requests may be sent to chseinfo@lsu.edu Last 25% of degree (30 hours) chseinfo@lsu.edu 
College of Humanities & Social Sciences Contact senior college prior to enrolling Last 30 hours hss@lsu.edu 
Manship School of Mass Communications Contact senior college prior to enrolling Last 30 hours masscomm@lsu.edu 
College of Music & Dramatic Arts Contact senior college prior to enrolling Last 25% of degree (30 hours) must be completed at LSU mda@lsu.edu 
College of Science Contact senior college prior to enrolling in courses at another institution if a course is not showing on the Tiger Transfer Tables. Students must adhere to university policy related to taking courses at another institution as listed in the LSU Catalog.  24 of the last 30 hours science@lsu.edu 
Center for Freshman Year:
Contact UCFY to discuss procedures to determine if coursework from another institution will be accepted by the nursing program Not-applicable pnurs@lsu.edu 
Center for Freshman Year:
Pre-Dental Hygiene, Pre-Cardiopulmonary Sciences, Pre-Medical Laboratory Sciences, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Public Health, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Physician Assistant, Pre-Physical Therapy
Contact UCFY to discuss procedures to determine if coursework will be accepted by that professional program. Established transfer credits may not be accurate when applying to one of these programs Not-applicable alliedhealth@lsu.edu 


Submission of Transcripts

LSU students who take courses at another institution must submit an official transcript from the institution attended to the LSU Office of Undergraduate Admissions (1146 Pleasant Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803; admissions@lsu.edu) to have the credit posted to their academic record. It may take 2 - 4 weeks for the credit to post on the student’s LSU record.

Impact on Grade Point Average

(GPA)When coursework is taken at non-LSU campus, the hours carried, hours earned, and quality points earned will factor only into the student’s cumulative GPA. The LSU GPA will not be impacted. Many senior colleges require specific LSU and cumulative GPAs for admission and/or graduation. Students taking courses at non-LSU campuses will only see an impact in their cumulative GPA and not their LSU GPA toward these requirements.

Returning to LSU

Reapplication to LSU is not required if the student returns in the next regular semester (fall or spring). Reapplication to LSU is required if the student does do not return in the next regular semester (fall or spring). To be considered for readmission, students must submit a re-entry application at www.lsu.edu. Readmission to LSU and the student’s intended major is not guaranteed. Students who attempted 30 hours of credit or more at another institution, including withdrawn courses with a grade of “W”, since leaving LSU, must have the following to be considered for re-entry to LSU: a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.50 on all college work attempted and have earned a C- or better in a college level/non-remedial mathematics and English course. Students who are not enrolled for at least two consecutive regular semesters (fall or spring) must follow the curricular requirements stated in the catalog at the time of readmission. This would result in a change in catalog year and possible change in degree requirements.