Pre-Professional Health Programs
Your Career Starts Here!
LSU is a great place to begin your career in the health care field. The assistance you need will be at your fingertips at University College. Here, dedicated professionals with years of experience in allied health and pre-professional curricula will guide you through the process of scheduling appropriate classes and figuring out next steps.
Current Student Resources
Current LSU students may access a wide range of advising materials including prerequisites, volunteer resources, and application workshops by using the appropriate Pre-Professional Health Moodle portals. These portals are available to all active LSU students, regardless of declared major.
Portals are available for:
(Respiratory Therapy & Cardiovascular Sonography)
(Medical Technology)
Allied Health
If you wish to pursue a career in medical technology, respiratory therapy, dental hygiene, or dental laboratory technology, you may follow a non-degree-granting, prerequisite program to prepare for study in degree-granting programs offered at LSU campuses in New Orleans or Shreveport or other medical schools.
Your first 37-45 hours in each of these programs will be completed in University College's Center for Freshman Year with the remaining prerequisite courses completed in the University College's Center for Advising and Counseling, where students will be assisted in determining the best schools for them and in how to apply for information about appropriate course work for prerequisites.
The School of Nursing is housed at the LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans. Students who wish to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) complete prerequisites at LSU-BR to apply to the LSU Health Sciences School of Nursing to earn their BSN. Students planning to enter LSU Health Sciences School of Nursing New Orleans should follow the curricula outline.
LSU’s Pre-Pharmacy track is specifically designed to accommodate the prerequisite requirements for the two Louisiana Colleges of Pharmacy located at the University of Louisiana Monroe, and Xavier University. Advising for other Colleges of Pharmacy will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but may require verification from those programs.
Pre-Public Health
Our Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) program is designed as a 2 + 2 program where you will spend 2 years (on average) completing prerequisite coursework (60 credit hours) followed by 2 years with us at LSU Health Science Center in New Orleans for the remainder of your coursework.