
Tips for Preparing Formal Appeal with UCFY

Prepare a formal letter of request using the suggested guidelines below:

Date: (ie, December 5, 2021)

Your name and LSU 89 number
Your cell phone number
Your email address
Your mailing address

Dear Appeals Committee,

Paragraph 1 - Provide your goal/objective and the reasoning for the appeal - example: I am appealing for a
retroactive resignation for the Fall 2021 semester. The reason for this request is that I was involved in an automobile
accident on November 4, 2021, and was not able to attend classes for two weeks. With subsequent medical challenges
during the remaining days of the semester, I was unable to successfully complete the work in my classes.

Paragraph 2 - Provide the last day to drop or resign for that semester and the specific reason you did not address
the issue by that date – example: The last day to drop/resign from the university was November 6, 2021. At that
time, I thought I would only have to miss a few classes and would be able to catch up. I did not realize until later that
I was still having significant pain and would have to miss more classes than I could make up.

Paragraph 3 - Provide detailed explanation of your circumstances along with official documentation to support
your claim. These issues should be relevant to YOU and should ONLY be relevant to a timeline within the
semester that you are requesting consideration for the appeal - Example: I saw a doctor at OLOL emergency room on
November 4, 2021. He referred me to Dr. Robichaux, orthopedic surgeon. I first saw Dr. Robichaux on November 5,
2021. His diagnosis was xxxxx and he prescribed a pain medicine, xxxxx. I continued to see him for 8 weeks and have
not yet been discharged. You will find a copy of the emergency room visit and Dr. Robichaux’s letter attached. I have
also provided documentation of my physical therapy visits.

Paragraph 4 - Provide information on how you were doing in your classes before and after the event. Include any
information about how your instructors might have been alerted to your situation. (this information will also be
requested of your instructors)
Example: These are my classes and how I was performing in each of them at the time that my medical issues occurred:
engl xxxx – regularly attended and had a B average before the accident
math xxxx – regularly attended and had an A average before the accident
poli xxxx – regularly attended and had a D average before the accident
I did contact my teachers and they are aware of my accident.

Paragraph 5 (optional) – Provide any other relevant, objective information needed to help the committee such as
a time-line with dates.
Example: I initially contacted my teachers asking for extra time and this was granted. I tried to start attending school
again on Nov 16, 2021. I was able to attend two classes but was in so much pain, I had to return home. I did submit
online homework. I continued to try to attend class until November 25, 2021. (see exclusionary notes below)
I appreciate your consideration,
Mike T Tiger

When preparing your letter, you should exclude information that is not relevant to your request

Example 1: I did so well in high school and never had to study. I was the valedictorian, etc.
Example 2: I have wanted to be an LSU tiger since I was 4 years old, etc.
Example 3: Please give me another chance and I know I will do well, etc.

Checklist before presenting your appeal documents to a UCFY counselor:

  1. Formal Letter of Appeal (as suggested above)
  2. Appropriate documentation (relevant to semester of appeal)
  3. When submitting the appeal, make certain that is has been received by the counselor who has initiated
    the appeal discussion with you in 150 Allen Hall. The UCFY for staff directory can be found under
    Academic Advising on our website lsu.edu/ucfy to assist with submitting your appeal.
    Note: Submission of an appeal does not guarantee approval.

What your counselor will provide for your appeal:

  1.  Any feedback solicited from the faculty to provide information about your attendance and performance,
    as well as any other pertinent information they may have about your specific case
  2. A copy of your academic transcript
  3. A copy of any comment screens from your academic records that were a part of counseling or advising
    occurrences in UCFY and/or from other possible departments when comments are recorded
  4. A copy of any email communications that might be a part of the process of presenting this appeal
  5. Documents that may be a part of your records in UCFY files (ie previous appeals, various forms on file)
  6. Other pertinent information the counselor determines appropriate in presenting the appeal on your

What to expect from the review of your appeal:

  1. Once an appeal is submitted, the counselor may review your submission and offer you suggestions on
    improving your appeal. When ready to move forward, the counselor will present your appeal documents to
    a review committee.
  2. The committee reviews the letter of appeal, documentation, and other supporting materials
  3. A decision is rendered to approve or deny the appeal.
  4. An email is sent informing the student of the committee decision.
  5. If the appeal is approved, UCFY will initiate the proper paperwork to make the appropriate changes in
    your academic record. If the appeal is denied, no additional action is taken by UCFY.
  6. In some instances, an appeal may be tabled and returned to the counselor with a request for the student
    to provide more specific information.

When reviewing appeals, the UCFY committee is essentially following these guiding principles:

  1. What happened after the deadline date in the academic calendar that prevented the student from
    completing the semester?
  2. What happened before the deadline date in the academic calendar that prevented the student from
    making a rational decision to resign or drop a class within the time allotted in the academic calendar?
  3. What other extraordinary circumstances were clearly stated and documented that warranted an
    exception to the academic deadline to resign or drop classes?