Assistantships & Fellowships

Full-time Ph.D. graduate students receive financial assistance in the form of Teaching Assistantships, Research Assistantships, or Fellowships and full tuition waivers. Scholarships may also be awarded to supplement an assistantship. These are available to qualified students on a competitive basis.  

Currently, the total net stipend of $30,667 is available to entering students. Applicants with outstanding qualifications are eligible for various fellowships and scholarships, which can raise the net stipend from $33,167 to $35,667. Qualified PhD applicants are automatically considered for fellowships and scholarships (no separate application is necessary).  

Beginning Fall 2023, LSU began covering 75% of the student health insurance premium costs for both domestic and international graduate assistants. Additional information on insurance coverage options and waiver requests can found on the .   

A Teaching Assistant (TA) usually functions as an instructor in an undergraduate laboratory, and spends approximately 20 hours per week in the performance of these and other teaching duties.   

Research Assistantships (RAs) are available through grants obtained by individual faculty members. RAs perform only research with no teaching duties.    



12-month assistantship


tuition waived 


of total health insurance premium cost covered


LSU Fellowships & Scholarships

Awards Application Deadline

Dissertation Year Fellowship (Graduate School) 


Distinguished Dissertation Award  (Graduate School)

Fall semesters

Coates Awards

May 1 





National Fellowships & Scholarships

    • AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (STPF)
    • AAAS Entry Point! Project on Science, Technology and Disability (For students with disabilities)
    • AAAS Mass Media Fellowships
  • (APAICS Congressional Fellowship Program)
  • Department of Energy - Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program (SCGRP)-
  • (Women Students)
  • (NSTRF17)
  • Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society


Travel Awards

Application Deadline

February 15 (meetings Jul. 1 - Dec. 31)

September 15 (meetings Jan. 1 - Jun. 30)



May 1 (for travel dates between Jul. 1 - Dec. 31)


Nov. 1 (for travel from Jan. 1 - June 30)

May 1 (for travel from July 1 - Dec. 31)


Graduate School Travel Award


-apply through the BAM scholarship management system. (once you receive notification that you are the recipient of the Simeral NMR Travel Award)

For instructions, please visit this LSU Financial Aid & Scholarship link


May 1 (for registration deadlines between July 1 - December 31)

November 1 (for registration deadlines between January 1 - June 30)