Instrument Booking 

Like other facilities at LSU, the MSF uses the  Faces Scheduling System  developed and maintained at the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center at The University of Georgia. The MSF group on Faces is called "LSUMSF". The scheduling system includes schedules for the MALDI and the Advion ExpressIon systems. These schedules cover an entire week, 24/7.

Below a description of each schedule.


The rapifleX platform has a single schedule, and it runs from midnight to midnight the entire week. The schedule is divided in 60 minutes slots, and a user can book up to 2 consecutive slots for a total of 120 minutes. Back to back booking is not allowed. The time slot from 11 AM to 1 PM on Fridays is reserved for MSF activities (sample running and training).


The Advion platform has a single schedule, and it runs from midnight to midnight the entire week. The schedule is divide in 10 minutes slots, and a user can book up to 6 consecutive slots for a total of 60 minutes. Back to back booking is not allowed. The time slot from 1 to 2.30 PM on Friday is reserved for MSF activities (sample running and training).

HTX 3+ Sprayer 

The HTX 3+ sprayer is an automated sprayer primarily intended for MALDI matrix deposition. At the same time, other applications may be feasable, and you can directly contact HTX with questions about your application. The sprayer is located in 230 Chemistry and Materials Building, and it is availble 9AM5PM Monday through Friday. Back to back booking is not allowed. The time slot from 10 to 11 AM on Monday is reserved for MSF activities (sample running and training).


If you want to gain access to the booking system, you wil need to receive training first. Please consult the table below for traiing specific to an instrument in the facility.

MALDI Training

The MALDI training includes sample preparation and operation of our rapifleX instrument. Depending on the complexity of the experiment you want to perform on this instrument, you may require two or more training sessions. Training sessions happen each Friday from 11 to 1. Training activities will start in room 230 of the Chemistry and Materials Building

Advion Training

 If you want to gain access to the Advion system, you wil need to receive training first. The advion training happens on each Friday of the week, from 1 to 2.30

HTX 3+ sprayer

The HTX 3+ is our automated system for MALDI matrix deposition. The system may also be used for other application, if compatible. Training sessions happen each Monday from 10 to 11.

Accessing instrument location

Each user accessible instrument is located in an access control environment. The basement access is regulated via a door code that is provide to users after they complete their traiing. Access to 333 Choppin is provided by granting a key to the main door of the lab. If you are an approved user of the facility you can request a key by filling the form below