MS and PhD opportunities in Geology and Geophysics
The department of Geology and Geophysics at 51Âþ» invites applicants for graduate studies in both the MS and PhD programs. Information about three specific positions available, in geophysics, palynology, and Antarctic research, can be found below. Applications for the Spring 2015 semester are due by 15 October 2014. Applications for the Fall 2015 semester are due by 1 January 2015.
PhD projects in Geophysics
LSU is seeking graduate students to work with Dr. Karen Luttrell on a project analyzing crustal deformation in the Yellowstone volcanic system. PhD students preferred, but MS candidates will also be considered. Project involves analysis of time series data from multiple geophysical instruments, including seismometers, strainmeters, and other hydrologic data sets, and includes some summer field work. Some prior familiarity with computer programming in a script-based language (e.g., Matlab, Python, Fortran, etc.) will be beneficial. Interested candidates should contact Dr. Luttrell at
PhD projects in Antarctic Climate and Ecology
LSU is seeking PhD students to work with Dr. Peter Doran (incoming LSU professor and holder of the John Franks Endowed Chair Professorship) on lake and climate research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica in support of the McMurdo Long Term Ecological Research project ( and associated projects. Students with previous skills in hydrology, geochemistry or climate are encouraged. Experience with geospatial software (e.g. GIS) and large data set manipulation (using e.g. Matlab or R) would be desirable. Students will need to deploy to Antarctica likely multiple times, so should be comfortable with field work in remote locations. Interested candidates should contact Dr. Doran at