
Geology & Geophysics Lecture Series

Special lectures are hosted by the department to help expand student's access to a wide range of topics and distinguished academics. Financial support for the lecture series is provided by the LJ Wilbert Endowment, Grover E. Murray Educational Fund, and the Marathon Oil Distinguished Speaker Series Fund.

Spring 2025 Schedule

Seminars now on Wednesdays! At 3:20 p.m., we begin with refreshments the in the Clarence Cazalot Marathon Oil Atrium of Howe Russell Kniffen Geoscience Complex. Seminars begin at 3:45 p.m. in E130 Howe-Russell-Kniffen. Networking continues after the seminar in the Atrium. #GeauxGeology #LSUGG

Date Lecture Topic Faculty Host(s)
January 22
(rescheduled to Jan 24)
Aaron Regberg, NASA Johnson Space Center
Rocks from Space and Microbes from Earth: Geomicrobiology at NASA
Prof. Doran
January  29 Allan Scardina, Upstream Decisions, LLC.
The Orange Basin Offshore Namibia and South Africa:
An Aggressive Passive (Passive Aggressive?) Margin Basin
Prof.  Henry
February 12 Peter Lippert, University of Utah
What are magnetic biomarkers and what can they tell us about Cenozoic climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean?
Prof. Forte
February 19 Jim Schiffbauer, University of Missouri
Tales of taphonomy: From the Ediacaran to the Mazon Creek, what we can learn from studies of fossil preservation
Prof. Karunatillake
February 26 Achim Herrmann, LSU G&G
Se isotopes in carbonate rocks as a potential redox-proxy: Challenges and Opportunities
Prof. Snow
March 5 Mardi Gras Holiday ends  
March 12 LSU Geology & Geophysics Open House for Undecided Undergraduates  All
March 21 (F)
Elizabeth Chamberlin, Univ. of Wageningen, Netherlands
Mississippi Delta evolution reconstructed through luminescence dating
Prof. WIlson
March 26 Pamela Kempton, Kansas State University
Evolution of a mid-ocean ridge over 61 million years
Prof. Dugtrow
April 2 LSU Spring Break  
April 9 Becky Totten, University of Alabama
A journey from below sea level to the Doomsday Glacier: How polar changes affect the Gulf Coast
Prof. Warny
April 16 Aaron Palke, Gemological Institute of America 
The Internal World of Gemstones:  Inclusions as Geological Time Capsules
 Prof. Dutrow
April 23-25 LSU G&G Rock Stars, Student Poster Presentations Prof. Luttrell
  End of semester