
Huiming Bao 

PhD: Stable isotope geochemistry; Earth system history Princeton University, 1998

Phone: (225) 578-3419

Lab Phone: (225) 578-3413

Fax: (225) 578-2302

E-mail: bao@lsu.edu


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Area of Interest

Atmospheric deposition and post-depositional processes in hyperarid settings.

Volcanic sulfur emission and subsequent atmospheric oxidation and deposition.

Early Earth and its atmosphere; Major events in Earth history.

Oxygen isotope composition of oxyanions.

Selected Publications

Schiffbauer, J. D., Yin, L.-M., Bondnar, R. J. Kaufman, A. J., Meng, F.W., Hu, J., Shen, B., Yuan, X.-L., Bao, H. M., and Xiao, S. H., 2007, Ultrastructural and geochemical characterization of Archean–Paleoproterozoic graphite particles: Implications for recognizing traces of life in highly metamorphosed rocks. Astrobiology, 7(4), 684-704, DOI: 10.1089/ast.2006.0098.

Bao, Huiming, Rumble III, D., Lowe, D. R., 2007, The five stable isotope compositions of the Fig Tree barites: Implications on sulfur cycle in an early Archean ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica.doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2007.05.032.

Bao, H., Thiemens, M.H., Loope, D.B. and Yuan, X.-L., 2003. Sulfate oxygen-17 anomaly in an Oligocene ash bed in mid-North America: Was it the dry fogs? Geophysical Research Letters, 30(16)

Bao, H. and Reheis, M.C., 2003. Multiple oxygen and sulfur isotopic analyses on water-soluble sulfate in bulk atmospheric deposition from the southwestern United States. Journal of Geophysical Research, D: Atmosphere, 108(D14)

Bao, Huiming, and Reheis, M., in press, Multiple oxygen and sulfur isotopic analyses on water-soluble sulfate in bulk atmospheric deposition from southwestern U. S. A. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmosphere

Bao, Huiming, Thiemens, M. H., Loope, D. B., and Yuan, X-L., in press, Widespread sulfate oxygen-17 anomaly in Cenozoic ash beds in mid-North America: Was it the dry fogs? Geophysical Research Letters.

Bao, Huiming, Thiemens, M. H., and Heine, K., 2001, Oxygen-17 excesses of the central Namib gypcretes: Spatial distribution. Earth & Planetary Science Letters 192. 125-135.

Bao, Huiming, Greg Michalski, and Mark H. Thiemens, 2001, Sulfate oxygen-17 anomalies in desert varnishes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65 (13), 2029-2036.

Bao, Huiming, Douglas A. Campbell, James G. Bockheim, Mark H. Thiemens, Origin of sulfate in Antarctic Dry Valley soils as deduced from anomalous 17O compositions. Nature 407, 499-502.

Bao, Huiming, Thiemens, M. H., 2000, Generation of O2 from BaSO4 using a CO2-laser fluorination system for simultaneous d18O and d17O analysis. Analytical Chemistry 72(17), 4029-4032.

Bao, Huiming et al. 2000, Anomalous 17O compositions in massive sulphate deposits on the Earth. Nature 406, 176-178.

Farquhar, J., Bao, Huiming & Thiemens, M. H., 2000, Atmospheric influence of Earth's earliest sulfur cycle. Science 289, 756-758.