
Barbara Dutrow 


Bachelor's Degree(s): Chadron State College, NE

Master's Degree: Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, 1980 Vertebrate Paleontology; Metric analyses of a Late Pleistocene mammoth assemblage, Hot Springs, South Dakota.

PhD: Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX; 1985 Metamorphic petrology, Staurolite Trilogy: Lithium in Staurolite and its Petrologic Significance; An experimental determination of the upper stability of staurolite plus quartz; Evidence for multiple metamorphic episodes in the Farmington Quadrangle, Maine.

Phone: (225) 578-2525

Fax: (225) 578-2302

E-mail: dutrow@lsu.edu


Google Scholar Page:

Office: 203 Howe-Russell Building

Area of Interest

Deciphering the evolution of metamorphic rocks through a combination of field, experimental, theoretical and computational methods is a focus of my research. Research incorporates feedback effects associated with thermal-chemical-mechanical processes in complex systems during fluid-rock interactions, and the effects of fluids on mineral chemistry, phase relations, textures, and P-T-t-X paths; heat and mass transport in geothermal and contact metamorphic settings (and heterogeneous porous media);  novel computational approaches to understanding mineral textural development in metamorphic rocks; and tectonic development of metamorphic terranes in Idaho and NW Maine and various tourmaline-bearing rocks around the world. Additional interests associated with research are teaching mineralogy and its relationship to public policy and 3-D visualization and spatial learning.

Awards & Honors

Adolphe G. Gueymard Professorship, 2002-present Chair, Elements' Executive Committee, 2009 - 2014 President, Mineralogical Society of America, 2007 Councillor, Geological Society of America, 2008-2014 Councillor, Mineralogical Society of America, 2002-2005 Fellow, Geological Society of America, 2007 Fellow, Mineralogical Society of America, 1995 Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, NRC-NAS, 1999-2002 Member, NAS/National Research Council Study, Principles and Design Strategies of a Staged Repository System, Board on Radioactive Waste Management, 2001 - 2002.

LSU Distinguished Faculty Award, 2002

Distinguished Alumni Award, Chadron State College, 2009 Distinguished Young Alumni Award, Chadron State College, 1997 Non-tenured Faculty Research Award, Natural and Physical Sciences, Phi Kappa Phi, LSU, 1995 Non-tenured Faculty Research Award, College of Basic Sciences, LSU, 1994 Outstanding Service Award, Mineralogical Society of America, 1993 Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Fellowship, 1985-1987.

Best Educational Exhibit by an Institution, Friends of Mineralogy;
Tucson Gem & Mineral Show, 2011
Commendation for excellence in teaching; 2005, 2006,

Co-editor, Elements issue on "Tourmaline", 2011
Associate Editor, American Journal of Science, 2003 - 2013
Associate Editor, Reviews of Geophysics, 1995 - 2001
Associate Editor, American Mineralogist, 1992 - 1996

Sigma Xi National Lecturer, 1996-1998
Mineralogical Society of America Distinguished Lecturer, 1991-1992

Selected Publications

Armstrong, C., Dutrow, B., Henry, D.J., and Thompson, R.A., (2013, in press) Provenance of volcanic clasts from the Santa Fe Group, Culebra graben of the San Luis Basin, Colorado: A guide to tectonic evolution.

Hudson, M.R., and Grauch, V.J.S., eds., New Perspectives on Rio Grande Rift Basins: From Tectonics to Groundwater: Geological Society of America Special Paper 494.

Henry, D.J. and Dutrow, B.L. (2012, in press) Tourmaline at diagenetic to low-grade metamorphic conditions: Its petrologic applicability. Lithos.

Henry, D.J. and Dutrow, B.L. (2012) The tourmaline diaries: An eye-catching mineral and it many facets. Natural History, 3/12, 16-27.

Dutrow, B.L. and Henry, D.J. (2011) Tourmaline: A geologic DVD. Elements, 7, 301-306.

Van Hinsberg, V., Henry, D.J. and Dutrow, B.L. (2011) Tourmaline as a petrologic forensic mineral: A unique recorder of its geologic past. Elements, 7, 327-332.

Henry, D.J., Novák, M., Hawthorne, F.C., Ertl, A., Dutrow, B.L. Uher, P. and Pezzotta, F. (2011) Nomenclature of the tourmaline supergroup-minerals. American Mineralogist, 96, 895-913.

Henry, D.J. and Dutrow, B.L. (2011) Incorporation of fluorine in tourmaline: external environmental vs. internal crystallographic influences. Canadian Mineralogist, 49, 41-56.

Henry, D. J., Sun, H., Slack, J. and Dutrow, B. L. (2008) Tourmaline in meta-evaporites and highly magnesian rocks: perspectives from Namibian tourmalinites. European Journal of Mineralogy, 20, 973-993.

Dutrow, B.L., Foster, C.T., Jr. and Whittington, J., 2008. Prograde pseudomorphs as indicators of metamorphic conditions during metamorphism: An example from NW Maine. American Mineralogist 93:300-314.

Klein, C., and Dutrow, B., 2008.  The Manual of Mineral Science. 23rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ. 675 pp.

Dutrow, B.L., 2007. Visual communication: Do you see what I see? Elements , v. 3, no. 2, pp. 119-126.

Dutrow, B.L., 2004. Teaching Mineralogy from the core to the crust. J. Geoscience Education, 52:81-86.

Norton, D. and  Dutrow, B., 2001. Complex Behavior of Magma-Hydrothermal Processes: Role of Supercritical Fluid. Invited for  special issue: Geochimica Cosmo. Acta 65:4009-4018.

Dutrow, B.L., Travis, B.J.,  Gable, C.W., and  Henry, D.J. 2001.  Coupled heat and silica transport associated with dike intrusion into sedimentary rock: Effects on isotherm location and permeability evolution. Geochimica Cosmo. Acta 65:3749-3768.

Dutrow, B.L., and Henry, D.J. 2000. Complexly zoned fibrous tourmaline: A record of evolving magmatic and hydrothermal fluids. Canadian Mineralogist, 38:125-137.

Dutrow, B.L., Foster, C.T., Jr., and Henry, D.J. 1999. Tourmaline-rich pseudomorphs in sillimanite zone metapelites: Demarcation of an infiltration front. American Mineralogist, 84:794-805.

Dutrow, B. and  Norton, D., 1995. The Evolution of Fluid Pressure and Fracturing During Contact Metamorphism. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 13:677-686.

Holdaway, M.J., Mukhopadhyay, B., and  Dutrow, B.L.,  1995. Thermodynamic Properties of Stoichiometric Staurolites H_2Fe_4Al_{18}Si_8O_{48} and $H_6Fe_2Al_{18}Si_8O_{48}.American Mineralogist,  80:520-533.

Dutrow, B.L. and Holdaway, M.J., 1989. Experimental determination of the upper thermal stability of Fe-staurolite + quartz at medium pressures. Journal of Petrology, 30:229-248.

Holdaway, M.J.,   Dutrow, B.L. and Shore, P., 1986. A model for the crystal chemistry of staurolite. American Mineralogist, 71:1147-1159.

Dutrow, B.L.,  Holdaway, M.J. and Hinton, R.W., 1986. Lithium in staurolite and its petrologic significance. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 92:496-506.