
HenryDarrell Henry 

Professor and Chair

Campanile Charities Professor in Geology
Director of SACSCOC Reaffirmation of Accreditation

Fellow – Geological Society of America (GSA)

Bachelor's Degree(s): University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1973

Master's Degree: University of Wisconsin, 1976

PhD: Metamorphic petrology. Tectono-metamorphism of medium-to-high grade metamorphic rocks; mineral chemistry and petrogenesis of rock-forming minerals. University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1981

Phone: (225) 578-2693

Fax: (225) 578-2302

E-mail: glhenr@lsu.edu

Google Scholar Page:

Office: 217 Howe-Russell Building

Area of Interest

(1) Crystal chemistry of individual minerals with respect to the rocks in which they occur and the conditions in which they form,
(2) Relation between metamorphism and tectonic evolution of the metamorphic terrain,
(3) Fluids in the crust and
(4) Novel instrumental approaches to mineral and rock interpretation.

Awards & Honors

• Campanile Charities Professor of Geology 2001-present
• Fellow of the Geological Society of America 2010
• Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America 1996
• Director of the LSU SACSCOC Reaffirmation of Accreditation 2011-present
• Chair of the LSU University Assessment Council 2006-2010
• Treasurer of the Mineralogical Society of America (elected) 2008-2012
• Co-Editor of special volume of Elements on “Tourmaline” 2010-2011.
• Co-Editor of special volume on “Tourmaline as an Ideal Indicator of Environmental Conditions” in Canadian Mineralogist 2009-2011.
• Associate Editor of the American Mineralogist 2006-2010
• Associate Editor for the Handbook of Mineralogy 2006-present
• Editor of The Lattice – newsletter of the Mineralogical Society of America (1995-2000)
• LSU Distinguished Faculty Award 2009
• Tiger Athletic Foundation President's Award 2005
• LSU Alumni Association Faculty Excellence Award 1999
• LSU Faculty Award for classroom instruction (Student Government Association) 1991
• Outstanding Service Award from the Mineralogical Society of America 2000
• Board of Directors of DOSECC (continental scientific drilling program) 1998-2001

Selected Publications

Henry, D.J. and Dutrow, B.L. (2012, in press) Tourmaline at diagenetic to low-grade metamorphic conditions: Its petrologic applicability. Lithos

Mogk, D.W., Henry, D.J., Mueller, P.A. and Foster, D.A. (2012) Origins of a continent: Evidence from a research experience for undergraduates program in Yellowstone, Yellowstone Science 20 (2), 22-32.

Ertl, A., Kolitsch, U., Dyar, M.D., Hughes, J. M., Rossman, G.R., Pieczka, A., Henry, D. J., Pezzotta, F., Prowatke, S., Lengauer, C.L., Körner, W., Brandstatter, F., Francis, C.A., Prem, M. and Tillmans, E. (2012) Limitations of Fe2+ and Mn2+ site occupancy in tourmaline: evidence from Fe2+- and Mn2+-rich tourmaline. American Mineralogist, 97, 1402-1416.

Henry, D.J. and Dutrow, B.L. (2012) The tourmaline diaries: An eye-catching mineral and it many facets. Natural History, 3/12, 16-27.

Dutrow, B.L. and Henry, D.J. (2011) Tourmaline: A geologic DVD. Elements, 7, 301-306.

Van Hinsberg, V., Henry, D.J. and Dutrow, B.L. (2011) Tourmaline as a petrologic forensic mineral: A unique recorder of its geologic past. Elements, 7, 327-332.

Henry, D.J., Novák, M., Hawthorne, F.C., Ertl, A., Dutrow, B.L. Uher, P. and Pezzotta, F. (2011) Nomenclature of the tourmaline supergroup-minerals. American Mineralogist, 96, 895-913.

Ertl, A., Kolitsch, U, Dyar, M.D., Meyer, H-P. Henry, D.J., Rossman, G. R., Prem, M,, Ludwig, T., Nasdala, L., Lengauer, C.L.  and Tillmanns, E. (2011) Fluor-schorl as a new tourmaline supergroup mineral species. Report accepted by the IMA-CNMMN.

Arif, M., Henry, D. J. and Moon, C. (2011) Host rock characteristics and source of chromium and beryllium for emerald mineralization in the ophiolitic rocks of the Indus suture zone in Swat, NW Pakistan. Ore Geology Reviews, 39, 1-20.

Henry, D.J. and Dutrow, B.L. (2011) Incorporation of fluorine in tourmaline: external environmental vs. internal crystallographic influences. Canadian Mineralogist, 49, 41-56.

Van Hinsberg, V.J., Henry, D. J. and Marschall, H.R. (2011) Tourmaline: An ideal indicator of its host environment: An introduction. Canadian Mineralogist, 49, 1-16.

Mueller, P.A., Wooden, J.L., Mogk, D.W., Henry, D.J. and Bowes, D.L. (2010) Rapid growth of an Archean continent by arc magmatism. Precambrian Research, 183, 70-88.

Arif, M., Henry, D. J. and Moon, C. (2010) Genesis and mineral exploration significance of Cr-bearing tourmaline from Swat, NW Pakistan. American Mineralogist, 95, 799-809.

Plessen, B., Harlov, D.J., Henry, D.J. and Guidotti, C.V. (2010) Ammonium loss and nitrogen isotopic fractionation in biotite as a function of metamorphic grade in metapelites from western Maine, USA. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 4759-4771.

Ertl, A., Marschall, H.R., Giester, G., Henry, D.J., Ntaflos, T., Schertl, H.P., Reinecke, T., Luvizotto, G.L., Nasdala, L. and Tillmans, E. (2010) Metamorphic ultrahigh-pressure tourmalines: Structure, chemistry, and correlations to PT conditions. American Mineralogist, 95, 1-10.

Novák, M., Henry, D., Hawthorne F.C., Ertl, A., Uher, P., Dutrow, B. & Pezzotta, F. (2010) Nomenclature of the tourmaline-group minerals. Report of the Subcommittee on Tourmaline Nomenclature to the International Mineralogical Association’s Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification, 90 pp. 

Fava, C.H. and Henry, D.J. (2009) Professional Communications Projects: Training science students to communicate. Science Education Resource Center (SERC) website. http://serc.carleton.edu/sp/library/communications_curricula/index.html (reviewed on-line document).

Henry, D. J. and Brodtkorb, M. K. de (2009) Mineral chemistry and chemical zoning in tourmalines from tourmalinites of Pampa del Tamboreo, San Luis, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 28, 234-244.

Henry, D. J., Sun, H., Slack, J. and Dutrow, B. L. (2008) Tourmaline in meta-evaporites and highly magnesian rocks: perspectives from Namibian tourmalinites. European Journal of Mineralogy, 20, 973-993.

Mueller, P.A., Mogk, D.W., Henry, D.J., Wooden, J.L. and Foster, D.A. (2008) Geologic evolution of the Beartooth Mountains: Insights from petrology and geochemistry. Northwest Geology, 37, 5-20.

Dyar, M.D., Grew, E.S., Henry, D.J. and Sassi, F.P. (2008) Petrologic Mineralogy – the study of minerals in context: A memorial in honor of Charles V. Guidotti. American Mineralogist, 93, 261-262.

Ertl, A., Kolitsch, U., Prowatke, S., Dyar, M. D. and Henry, D. J. (2006) The F-analogue of schorl from Grasstein, Sudtirol, Italy: structure and chemistry. European Journal of Mineralogy, 18, 583-588.

Henry, D. J. and Brodtkorb, M. K. de (2006) The tourmalinites from the Pampa del Tamboreo, San Luis: Chemical aspects. VIII Congresso de Mineralogia y Metalogenia 2006, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (U.B.A.) Trabajo, 105-110.

Henry, D. J. (2005) Pet rock project: A semester-long exercise for igneous and metamorphic petrology. In Teaching Petrology in the 21st Century.

Henry, D. J., Guidotti, C. V. and Thomson, J. A. (2005) The Ti-saturation surface for low-to-medium pressure metapelitic biotite: Implications for Geothermometry and Ti-substitution Mechanisms. American Mineralogist, 90, 316-328.