
Jeff  Nunn 

Emeritus Professor

PhD: Geodynamics, tectonics and fluid flow. Fluid flow and solute transport in the Gulf of Mexico, tectonic evolution of rift basins and tomography of fine-grained sediments. Northwestern University, 1981

E-mail: gljeff@lsu.edu

Area of Interest

  • Fluid Flow and Solute Transport in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Fluid Flow and Deformation on Faults.
  • Heat Flow and Evolution of Sedimentary Basins.
  • Gravity, Flexure, and Rheology of the Lithosphere.
  • Fluid Flow and Deformation on Faults.
  • Deep Migration of Hydrocarbons by Propagating Fractures.
  • Tectonic Evolution of Rift Basins.

Selected Publications

Nunn, J., and Harris, N. B., Subsurface Seepage of Seawater across a Barrier: A Source of Water and Salt to Peripheral Salt Basins, Bulletin Geological Society America, 2007.

Revil, A., L. M. Cathles, S. Losh, and J. A. Nunn, Electrical Conductivity in Shaly Sands, Jour. Geophys. Res., 103, 23,925-23,936, 1998.

Nunn, J. A., Roberts, S. J., Cathles, L. M., and Anderson, R., Fluid migration in the Eugene Island Block area of offshore Louisiana, in Proceedings of Fifth Annual ARCHIE conference, the Woodlands, TX, 1995.

Sarkar, A., Nunn, J. A., and Hanor, J. S., Free thermohaline convection beneath allochthonous salt sheets: An agent for salt dissolution and fluid flow in Gulf Coast Sediments, Jour. Geophys. Res., 100, 18085-18092, 1995.

Sarkar, A., Nunn, J. A., and Hanor, J. S., Free thermohaline convection beneath allochthonous salt sheets: An agent for salt tectonics and fluid flow in Gulf Coast sediments, in Salt, Sediment and Hydrocarbons, Proceedings of sixteenth annual research conference Gulf Coast Section-SEPM, 245-252, 1995.

Evans, D. G., Nunn, J. A., and Hanor, J. S., Mechanisms driving groundwater flow near salt domes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 18, 927-930, 1991.

Evans, D. G., and Nunn, J. A., Free thermohaline convection in sediments surrounding a salt column, Jour. Geophys. Res., 94, 12,413-12,422, 1989.

Nunn, J.A., and Sassen, R., Framework of hydrocarbon generation and migration, Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, Transactions, 36, 257-262, 1986.

Lin, G., and J. A. Nunn, Evidence for recent migration of geopressured fluids along faults in Eugene Island, Block 330 from estimates of pore water salinity, Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Soc. Trans., 47, 419-424, 1997.

Nunn, J. A., Development of geopressure by ductile shear: An example from offshore Louisiana, Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Soc. Trans., 47, 425-434, 1997.

Roberts, S. J., Nunn, J. A., Cathles, L. M., and Cipriani, F.-D., Expulsion of abnormally pressured fluids along faults, Jour. Geophys. Res., 101, 28, 28,231-28,252, 1996.

Roberts, S., and Nunn, J. A., Episodic fluid expulsion from geopressured sediments, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 12, 195-204, 1995.

Nunn, J. A., and G. Lin, Thermal insulation by Late Paleozoic carbonaceous sediments: Implications for formation of Mississippi Valley-type ore deposits, Geofluids II, Contributions to the Second International Conference on Fluid Evolution, Migration and Interaction in Sedimentary Basins and Orogenic Belts, 201-204, 1997.

Nunn, J. A., Free convection beneath intracratonic basin: thermal and subsidence effects, Basin Research, 6, 115-130, 1994.

Deming, D. and Nunn, J. A., Numerical models of brine migration, Jour. Geophys. Res., 96, 2485-2499, 1991.

Nunn, J. A., and Deming, D., Thermal constraints on basin-scale flow systems, Geophys. Res. Lett., 18, 967-970, 1991.

Deming, D., Nunn, J. A., Jones, S., and Chapman, D. S., Some problems in thermal history studies, in Applications of Thermal Maturity Studies to Energy Exploration, RMS-SEPM, 61-80, 1990.

Deming, D., Nunn, J. A., and Evans, D. G., Thermal effects of compaction-driven groundwater flow from overthrust belts, Jour. Geophys. Res., 95, 6669-6684, 1990.

Deming, D., Hanor, J. S., and Nunn, J. A., Method of variable bias and its application to estimating subsurface temperature, Geophys. Res. Lett., 17, 1949-1952, 1990.

Nunn, J. A., Relaxation of continental lithosphere: An explanation for Late Cretaceous reactivation of the Sabine Uplift of Louisiana-Texas, Tectonics, 9, 341-359, 1990.

Nunn, J.A., and Aires, J.R., Gravity anomalies and flexure of the lithosphere at the Middle Amazon Basin: Jour. Geophys. Res., 93, 415-428, 1988.

Nunn, J. A., Czerniak, M. and Pilger, R. H., Jr., Constraints on structure of Brooks Range/Colville Basin, northern Alaska from flexure and gravity analysis: Tectonics, 6, 603-617, 1987.

Nunn, J. A., State of stress in the northern Gulf Coast: Geology, 13, 429-432, 1985.

Nunn, J. A., Buoyancy-driven propagation of isolated fluid-filled fractures: Implications for fluid transport in Gulf of Mexico geopressured sediments, Jour. Geophys. Res., 101, 2963-2970, 1996.

Travis, C. J., and Nunn, J. A., Stratigraphic architecture of extensional basins: insights from a numerical model of sedimentation in evolving half graben, Jour. Geophys. Res., 99, 15,653-15,666, 1994.