Carol Wicks
Professor - Karst Hydrogeology
Frank W. and Patricia Harrison Family Professor
Fellow – Geological Society of America (GSA)
Bachelor's Degree(s): Chemical Engineering Clarkson University, 1980
PhD: Environmental Sciences University of Virginia, 1992
Fax: (225) 578-2302
Google Scholar Page:
Office: E303 Howe-Russell-Kniffen
Areas of Interest
My primary research interest is understanding the linkages between the hydrology, ecology, and geochemistry of cave streams and in karstic aquifers. Specific topics are determining the rate and mechanisms of movement of sediment (suspended and bed loads) along cave streams, understanding which hydrologic events are ecological disturbance events, understanding groundwater-surface water interactions in mantled karst settings.
Awards & Honors
2017 Science Award - National Speleological Society
Fellow - American Association for the Advancement of Science
Fellow - Geological Society of America
Fellow - National Speleological Society
Selected Publications
Maas, Benjamin J; Wicks, Carol M; 2017, CO2 Outgassing from Spring Waters, Aquatic Geochemistry
Broderick, Caroline A; Wicks, Carol M; Paylor, Randall L;2017, Testing the effectiveness of Beryllium-7 as a tracer of the movement of sediment over short periods along a cave stream in Hidden River Cave, Kentucky USA, Journal of Cave & Karst Studies
Wicks, CM; Paylor, RL; Bentley, SJ; 2018, Estimating surface/subsurface sediment mixing in karst settings using 7Be isotopes, Water Resources Research
Webb, A; Wicks, CM; Brantley, ST; Golladay, SW; 2017, Are isolated wetlands groundwater recharge hotspots? AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts
Maas, Benjamin J; Wicks, Carol M; 2017, Spatial and temporal variation in the chemical composition of spring waters near Bromide, Oklahoma USA Oklahoma City Geological Society
Current students:
Andrew Webb (Ph.D.)
Caroline Mierzejewski (MS)
Heather Rayneri (BS)
James Smith (MS)
Joseph Honings (Ph.D.)