Student Resources List

College of Science Student Services
124 Hatcher Hall,  225-578-4200

University College Center for Freshman Year (UCFY)
150 Allen Hall,  225-578-6822

University College Advising and Counseling Center (UCAC)
150 Himes Hall, 225-578-8281

Department Faculty Advisors:
Biological Sciences: BIOL, BCH, & MBIO,  225-578-5224

Chemistry: 225-578-2940

Geology: 225-578-3353

: 225-578-1617

Physics: 225-578-4858

Center for Academic Success
B-31 Coates Hall, 225-578-2872

Olinde Career Center
158 LSU Student Union

  • Careers in Health:

Department Faculty Advisors (view Academic Advising Support above)