
New Code of Student Conduct 2023

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Review the LSU Code for specific information on student rights and responsibilities, as well as details on the accountability process.

Code of Conduct

LSU Cares

photo: LSU Cares

LSU Cares about the well-being of students. Help us build a community that cares. Let us know if you have a concern about a student.


Academic Integrity

photo: sg reps with mascot mike

Report concerns about individual students to a team of LSU Staff trained in responding to student needs and Advocacy referrals for CARE or Academic Intervention.

Tools and Tips


photo: Advisor and Student

Request an Accountability Advisor

Student Advocacy & Accountability (SAA) can partner students with an Accountability Advisor to assist them through the accountability process. Accountability Advisors are faculty, staff, and graduate students who have been trained to assist students through the Accountability Process.

Serve as a University Hearing Panelist

Students, faculty and staff are eligible to serve in this important role of adjudicating hearings for Student Advocacy & Accountability (SAA).  You must be in good standing with the University (SAA, academic and HRM) to participate.  Panelists participate in annual training and need to be available during a morning or afternoon time slot during the academic year.  If you are interested in this opportunity, please complete the below online UHP application (you will need to have your myLSU ID and password to login). Please direct questions to dossaa@lsu.edu