Understanding Student Rights (FERPA)
LSU’s Policy Statement 30 addresses the University’s responsibilities and student rights related to educational records. Also referred to as the “Buckley Amendment,” FERPA was passed in 1974 as a means for student educational records, and personally identifiable information, to be protected from dissemination.
Educational records are defined as “those records which directly relate to a student and are maintained by the University or a party acting for the University” in PS-30. For further description of the educational records, refer to the policy statement.
Accountability records are available for students to inspect and review in the SAA office upon request. Requests should be sent to dossaa@lsu.edu to schedule a time to review the record in our office. We do require 2 business days advanced notice to prepare the file for inspection. Per PS-30, the University reserves the right to deny copies of records and to access an administrative fee for copies as appropriate.
Students must to share their accountability records, even verbally, with third parties. The waiver should be completed by the LSU student. Parents and guardians cannot complete the form on the student’s behalf.