
About SAA

Student Advocacy & Accountability (SAA) utilizes the LSU Commitment to Community as a guiding principle. The belief is that students should not only accomplish academic goals, but also to do so in a healthy and encouraging environment which fosters personal growth and development.

SAA promotes academic integrity and appropriate standards of conduct for the university. SAA is responsible for investigating alleged violations of university policy/standards and for implementing the accountability process as outlined in the LSU Code of Student Conduct. This is accomplished through educational conferences, administrative hearings, university hearing panels, and behavioral interventions for individual students and student organizations.

LSU Cares is a university initiative dedicated to the well-being of students and promotion of a community that cares about each of its members. LSU offers an online reporting system (lsu.edu/lsucares) to help students, faculty, staff, families, and friends submit reports about:

  • potential violations of the LSU Code of Student Conduct;
  • concerns regarding sexual misconduct and hazing;
  • concerns surrounding acts of bias or discrimination;
  • academic intervention;
  • complaints or grievances; and
  • concerns about students in crisis or distress.

When a report is received, SAA staff will review the details using a CARE approach (Communicate, Assess, Refer, Educate) and then determine a response that includes appropriate campus resources.

SAA staff also coordinate and implement Transfer Student Programs that assist students with the transition from their previous institution to LSU.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call 225-578-4307 or email saa@lsu.edu.


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