FAQ for Parents & Families
We, in Student Advocacy & Accountability, want to partner with parents and families to support our LSU students. Sometimes it can be challenging to know exactly how to advise and coach our students to be successful. Below are a list of questions and answers that may get you started; please visit our Resources page for additional information.
What is the best way for me to support my student during an accountability matter?
Talk the matter over with your student. Ask clarifying questions and try to gain
some context about what happened, then consult the LSU Code of Student Conduct to learn more about the potential violations. Help your student to determine if
responsibility is theirs and if so, discuss how LSU may hold them accountable. You
are your student’s best “mirror” in discussing behavior that may violate University
policy and how they can accept responsibility for their actions (be held accountable).
Even if this is difficult, our mission is to engage students in responsible decision
making and accountability. If you need to call us to ask hypothetical questions about
the process or outcomes, please do. We will not be able to discuss details about
your student's case without a signed FERPA WAvier (see below).
Can I call your office to discuss a situation involving my LSU student?
Yes. We encourage students to engage in healthy support systems including parents
and families when a situation involving potential misconduct occurs. In order to
protect our students’ FERPA rights, we will ask that the LSU student prior to the conversation.
May I accompany my LSU student to Educational Conferences and Administrative Hearings?
Yes. Each student is permitted to have one (1) advisor to support them in the accountability
process at LSU. In this role, advisors may fully participate during the accountability
process as defined in Section 6.6 of the Code of Student Conduct. Having support is
valuable to all students and that is an advisor’s role in this case.
Does my student need a lawyer for the accountability process at LSU?
No. While our process is educational in nature, a student is allowed to be represented
by an attorney or non-attorney advisor at their expense. The student’s chosen advisor
may fully participate in the process. Your student may request at no cost, a trained accountability advisor. Students may only have one (1) advisor to support them at accountability meetings
and hearings.
Can my student appeal the accountability outcome?
There is an appeals process available for students. Written in the Code of Student Conduct, the appeal procedures are clear and your student may ask questions in our office
for clarification. Deadlines are important in the appeal process. Upon accepting an
Informal Resolution, the student waives all rights to a formal hearing. The student
may not revoke or appeal an Informal Resolution.
How will academic misconduct issues impact my student’s job or graduate school search?
Students found responsible for academic misconduct violations will have a notation
on their academic transcript, as well as a grade impact for academic work in question.
Students may also fail the course or be placed on suspension as a result of academic
misconduct. LSU takes cases of academic misconduct very seriously; however, most
students do not repeat these types of violations. Therefore, once the probationary
period has ended and educational sanctions have been completed, the transcript notation
may be removed. The student should send an email to dossaa@lsu.edu requesting the removal of the notation. Students who apply for jobs and/or graduate
school will need to be honest that they have violated University policy. We have not
seen that single misconduct violations have negatively impacted a student’s future
How long does LSU retain my student’s accountability file?
Seven (7) years. The accountability file will be retained in full for seven (7) years
and will be referenced for background checks. It is important that students complete
all educational sanctions, outcomes and retain good accountability standing prior
to graduation. An informal resolution will not be considered a part of a student’s
permanent record, except for cases resulting in suspension, expulsion, or revocation
of degree. SAA will not share any records with any external requesting agencies, unless
required to do so by law.
If my student withdraws from LSU do they still need to meet with your office?
Yes. All students who are contacted by SAA regarding a potential violation of the
Code of Student Conduct will need to meet with a SAA hearing officer to discuss the incident. If a student
withdraws prior to the meeting, he or she still needs to resolve the matter. Unresolved
matters will result in a hold being placed on the student’s account and transcript.
Students also need to complete educational outcomes and sanctions in a timely manner
to remove holds.
How can I get help for my LSU student who is in crisis or distress?
Call us at 225-578-9442 or. The advocacy side of our office assists LSU students dealing with a range of distress
(or even crisis). We want to help our students persist and have resources to offer
your student. We just need them to contact us, or for you to do so on their behalf,
to get started.
How does my student register a disability or medical need with LSU?
The best contact is Disability Services at 225-578-5919 or via email at disability@lsu.edu. The staff is knowledgeable and can point you and your student in the right direction
to get disabilities registered and secure the accommodations needed for your student
to be successful at LSU. Check out their website for forms and information at www.lsu.edu/disability.