Initiation of Accountability Process

Reporting Party

Any member of the University faculty, staff, student body, or community may file a written misconduct complaint (defined as a Referral) against a student alleging misconduct under the Code. Referrals shall be filed with Student Advocacy & Accountability. An instructor, staff member, student or any other person who has a reasonable basis to believe that a student may have committed a violation of this Code shall present this information to Student Advocacy & Accountability. This presentation should be in writing and the Complainant should sign the Referral and provide his or her contact information; however, the initial contact may be in person or by telephone, but must be followed by a written presentation within a reasonable time period. In addition, official reports from LSUPD, Residential Life, any University department, and other police entities will also be accepted.

 The SAA Official may discuss the circumstances and information surrounding the alleged violation with the person providing the information as needed and may advise that person on actions that may be taken under this Code.

Upon receiving information that a Student has allegedly violated the Code, an SAA Official may investigate the alleged misconduct.

To report a possible Academic Violation, faculty must include the following information:

  • A written summary or explanation of the alleged violation.  Please include your desired grade impact.  For example, no credit for the assignment or no credit for the class
  • A copy of the course syllabus
  • A copy of the assignment directions
  • A copy of the assignment in question.  If the assignment is a paper, please mark the areas of concern and provide a copy of the suspected source
  • Assign an “I” grade pending the official outcome from the SAA office

Faculty's Role in Accountability Process

As the reporting party, you can have a role in the hearing proceeding.  The primary role of the reporting faculty member is to prepare documentation and submit the referral to SAA. (See Faculty Handbook and Code of Student Conduct.) The case will be adjudicated as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct. Students may appeal the decision of an Administrative Hearing or a University Hearing panel to the Appeals Board. If a panel is convened, you will be called to serve as a material observer.  The panel members and charged student would then have the opportunity to ask you questions about the alleged misconduct.  This occurs during the hearing itself.

A reporting faculty member will be informed of the case outcome via email.  This will be issued following a University Hearing Panel or a decision of responsibility is issued by an SAA official.

A reporting faculty member is not expected to conduct a full investigation of the alleged misconduct.  Providing all of the information that is mentioned above fulfills the responsibility in submitting a referral with SAA.  While faculty may choose not to engage with the student(s) they are reporting, this is not a hard and fast rule.  It is up to the faculty member to determine the level of contact with the student once a violation of the Code is suspected (and a report is filed with SAA).  Faculty are always encouraged to redirect student questions about the accountability process and potential outcomes to the SAA official as appropriate. (Review downloadable flow chart of the process.)

Incompletes or "I" Grades

Faculty should assign an “I” grade to any assignment referred to SAA.  If a student is found responsible for the alleged violation, the outcome letter will contain the final grade determination.

Additionally, the majority of Academic case referrals come at the end of each semester.  Consequently, a case may not be resolved before final grade reports are due to the University Registrar.  If this occurs, the Code requires that you submit an “I” grade, pending the official outcome from the SAA office.