

A Student or Registered Student Organization (RSO) shall be afforded the opportunity to appeal a hearing decision to the Student Conduct Appeals Board. The student or RSO’s attorney or non-attorney advisor may submit an appeal.  

An appeal must be submitted in writing within ten (10) business days after the outcome is issued.

An appeal may only be considered by the Board on the following grounds:

  1. A significant departure from procedures, definitions or standards in the Code which reasonably could have had a material impact on the decision-making process during the Accountability Meeting or UHP;
  2. New information is now available which could not be obtained by the time of the Accountability Meeting or UHP, that would have had a substantial impact on the determination of responsibility or appropriate outcomes;
  3. The determination of responsibility or outcome is the result of a substantial disregard of the information presented in the Accountability Meeting or UHP; and/or
  4. Substantiated bias or personal prejudice by a hearing officer or UHP panelist that precluded them from fairly and impartially hearing the case. 

If the Appeals Board determines that one of the above referenced grounds has been met, the following may result:

  • Outcome is upheld  
  • The case will be sent to a new Administrative Hearing or University Hearing Panel to be correct a procedural error(s)
  • Reversal or modification of the hearing decision and/or outcome 

If the Student Conduct Appeals Committee decision involves a suspension or expulsion, the Dean of Students, or designee, has the discretion to review the decision and may modify or uphold the Student Conduct Appeals Committee decision prior to the issuance of the appeal outcome notice to the parties. All degree revocations must be reviewed by the Dean of Students, or designee.  

Please note, cases resolved through the Informal Resolution process are not eligible for an appeal.