
Faculty & Staff

When reporting incidents of academic misconduct near the close of a semester, instructors of record should submit the grade of an "I" or incomplete for the student(s) in question.  This will allow the time needed for Student Advocacy & Accountability staff to meet with the student and gather information.  Once the matter is resolved and an accountability outcome is issued, the instructor may calculate the final grade with the outcome in mind and submit a grade correction form.  Each department has grade correction forms available.

Resources & Support

The office of Student Advocacy & Accountability (SAA) provides pro-active tools to assist in communicating academic expectations to LSU students.  These include information on how to refer a student to SAA, tips for reducing academic violations, and syllabus resources.

Academic integrity is a foundational pillar of the LSU community.  Educating students on the value of academic honesty and scholarly work is a shared responsibility among faculty, students and the office of Student Advocacy & Accountability.  Faculty members are of paramount importance in teaching students what is required in class work and communicating the value of high academic standards.  Faculty also bears the responsibility of notifying SAA when a student may have violated the University’s academic policies.

Please review the resources provided here and let us know what questions or additional information you need.  We look forward to partnering with you as in support of student success at LSU.

LSU Cares

LSU Cares is a university initiative dedicated to the well-being of students and promotion of a community that cares about each of its members.

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