
Student Records

Accountability cases and records are confidential records of the university and are maintained by the Office of the Dean of Students.

Consistent with the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, a student may examine his or her accountability records. However, these records are generally not available to persons outside the University except in accordance with state and federal law.

University personnel or University legal counsel may have access to accountability records of individual students only if such information is needed in the performance of duties assigned to that person. Students should notify Student Advocacy & Accountability by calling 225-578-4307 if they would like to review their accountability records.  A time will then be scheduled for the review.

An Informal Resolution will not be considered part of a Student’s permanent record and therefore will not be shared with any external requesting agency, unless required to do so by federal and/or state law, or in the case of suspension, expulsion, or degree revocation. A record of an Informal Resolution will be shared within SAA and any future University Hearing Panel (UHP) in order to determine appropriate future Informal Resolution or UHP Outcome. An Informal Resolution may be shared with a University department to determine eligibility for certain University programs, scholarships, student organization officer requirements, or activities.