Bonnie Boudreaux
Senior Associate Dean for Student Success and Professor of Veterinary Medical Oncology
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Joined LSU Vet Med Faculty August 17, 2009
MS, Auburn University, 2009
DVM, Mississippi State University, 2005
BS, Mississippi State University, 2002
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Medical Oncology)
Research Interest
Clinical case management
Teaching Interest
Problem based learning, communication skills, clinical oncology.
Clinical Interest
Medical oncology
Awards & Honors
2021, Dean's Merit Honor Roll
2020, Dean's Merit Honor Roll
2019, Dean's Merit Honor Roll
2018, Dean's Merit Honor Roll
2017, Dean's Merit Honor Roll
2016, Dean's Merit Honor Roll
2015, Dean's Merit Honor Roll
2014, Dean's Merit Honor Roll
2013, Campus Federal Teaching Enhancement Fund
2013, Dean's Merit Honor Roll
2012, Dean's Honor Roll
2011, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
Feline mesothelioma: case report and review of cytologic, immunocytochemical, histopathologic, and immunohistochemical findings, Schlueter, Andrew; Dehghanpir, Shannon; Boudreaux, Bonnie; Robinson, Christopher; Menk P. Lima, Jose; Langohr, Ingeborg, 2021, Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation , Volume: 33, Number: 4, Pages: 753-757
Thyroid storm in a dog secondary to thyroid carcinoma, Merkle, Jennifer; Boudreaux, Bonnie; Langohr, Ingeborg; Hegler, Ashley; Ryan, Kirk; Fletcher, Jon, 2021, Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Journal , Volume: 31, Pages: 428–431
Feline mesothelioma: case report and review of cytologic, immunocytochemical, histopathologic, and immunohistochemical findings, Schlueter, Andrew; Dehghanpir, Shannon; Boudreaux, Bonnie; Robinson, Christopher; Menk P. Lima, Jose Cesar ; Langohr, Ingeborg, 2021, Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
Biochemical, Functional, and Histopathologic Characterization of Lomustine-induced Liver Injury in Dogs, Dedeaux, Andrea; Flesner, Brian; Reinhart, Jennifer; Langohr, Ingeborg; Husnik, Roman; Geraci, Shawn; Taboada, Joseph; Rademacher, Nathalie; Thombs, Lori; Bryan, Jeffrey; Trepanier, Lauren; Boudreaux, Bonnie, 2020, American Journal of Veterinary Research , Volume: 81, Number: 10, Pages: 810-820
Treatment of exuberant granulation tissue in an umbrella cockatoo (Cacatua alba) with strontium radiation, Rockwell, Kelly; Looper, Jayme; Boudreaux, Bonnie; Tully, Thomas, 2020, Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery , Volume: 34, Number: 1, Pages: 78-82
Computed Tomography Characteristics of Nasal Chondrosarcoma in 12 Dogs, Jania, Rachel; Boudreaux, Bonnie; Langohr, Ingeborg; Looper, Jayme; Rademacher, Nathalie, 2019, Journal of Small Animal Practice , Volume: 60, Number: 11, Pages: 678-682
Radiation Therapy Communication - Treatment of a Leiomyosarcoma in a Tiger (Panthera tigris) with stereotactic radiotherapy, Boudreaux, Bonnie; LaRue, Susan; Rademacher, Nathalie; Neck, Daniel ;
Grasperge, Britton; Wood , Charles; Baker, David, 2019, Vet Rad and Ultrasound , Volume: 60, Number: 3, Pages: E33-E37
Concurrent 5-fluorouracil and carboplatin for the treatment of canine carcinomas, Menard, Kim; Flesner, Brian; Glahn, Anastasia; Boudreaux, Bonnie; Bryan, Jeffrey, 2018, Veterinary Comparative Oncology , Volume: 16, Number: 4, Pages: 590-595
Central nervous system lymphoma in 18 dogs (2001-2015), LaRue, Michelle; Taylor, Amanda; Back, Amy; Lindley, Stephanie; Boudreaux, Bonnie; Almond, Gregory; Shores, Andy; Brawner, William; Smith, Annette, 2018, Journal of Small Animal Practice , Volume: 59, Number: 9, Pages: 547-552
Long-term clinical control of feline pancreatic carcinoma with toceranib phosphate., Dedeaux, Andrea; Langohr, Ingeborg; Boudreaux, Bonnie, 2018, Canadian Veterinary Journal = La revue veterinaire canadienne , Volume: 59, Number: 7, Pages: 751-754
Grant Funding
Effect of amantadine on quality of life in chronic feline cancer pain, International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management, $5,000.00
Examining the Efficacy of CM101 as a Primary and/or Adjuvant Agent in the Treatment of Canine Solid Tumors, Pilot Study, Tumor End, $137,160.00
Targeted transcriptome characterization of canine hepatobiliary neuroendocrine tumors, VCS CORP Grant , $4,000.00
Sodium Channel Blockade with Electromagnetic Stimulation for Cancer Therapy: A Safety Study in Dogs and Cats, Oleander Medical Technologies, $38,881.00
Characterization of CCNU-induced Liver Injury in Healthy Dogs, VCS CORP Grant, Prospective Analysis of Liver Function Tests in Client-owned Dogs Receiving Lomustine, VCS, $4,000.00
Ultrastructural morphological diagnostic characterization of mast cells in lymph nodes of dogs diagnosed with mast cell tumors, Summer Scholars, Retropharyngeal Lymph node evaluation in canine head and neck tumors, ACVIM Foundation, $13,496.25
Evaluation of ultrasound elastography in the differentiation between normal and abnormal sentinel lymph nodes in dogs affected with neoplasms, AKC ACORN, $6,028.56
Prognostic Value of Baseline Absolute Lymphocyte Count and Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Ratio in Dogs with Newly Diagnosed High Grade Lymphoma, Department Research, $0.00
Evaluation of ionized calcium in dogs with lymphoma, Departmental Research, $0.00