Flow Cytometry Facility

The Flow Cytometry Facility is a core laboratory located on the third floor of the School of Veterinary Medicine building on the campus of 51Âþ»­.  The facility features a BD Biosciences LSRFortessa X-20 four laser benchtop flow cytometer capable of measuring 15 fluorescence emissions.  In addition, the facility includes a BD Biosciences FACS Aria II three laser cell sorter capable of measuring 8 fluorescence emissions as well as 4-way cell sorting capacity. Multi-color immunophenotyping, cell cycle analysis, apoptosis studies and measurements of cellular function are examples of applications performed routinely in this laboratory. This unique core facility provides analytical capabilities for investigators throughout the Louisiana State University System including the LSU Agricultural Center and LSU Pennington Biomedical Research Center. LSU Vet Med has operated the LSU Flow Cytometry Core Facility since 1986.


Marilyn Dietrich, Manager





Routine Hourly Rate of $50 per hour (Minimum 0.5 hr charge)


Routine Hourly Rate of $70 per hour (Minimum 1 hr charge)



The Flow Cytometry Facility also provides an exceptional opportunity for undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and residents to become knowledgeable with the operation and application of flow cytometry instrumentation.  These learning experiences can occur formally through a hands-on lecture / laboratory course on flow cytometry (PBS7413) or informally through research projects.  

Graduate Program

PBS7413, Techniques in Flow Cytometry, is a nine week course designed to instruct students in the principles and various applications of flow cytometry.  In addition, participants will be introduced to several graphics computer software packages as methods of interpreting data generated from the instruments.  The course is structured into formal lectures, laboratory sessions involving cell processing and staining with fluorescent probes, and data acquisition and analysis generated through instrumentation.  PBS7413 is open to all graduate students enrolled in the University during the Fall semester.  Graduate students enrolled in various departments within the School of Veterinary Medicine as well as departments throughout LSU have participated in this course.