L. Abbigail Granger
Professor of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
DVM, University of Tennessee, 2007
BS, University of Memphis, 2003
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Radiology
Research Interest
Functional CT, thoracic CT with emphasis on airways and interstitial disease, ultrasound in endocrine diseases, correlation ofultrasound with pathological findings, general inter-service collaborations
Teaching Interest
Radiographic interpretation, ultrasound performance and interpretation (basic, intermediate, and expert), research methods
Awards & Honors
2020, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll (Years 1 and 3)
2019, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll (Years 1 and 3)
2019, Poster presentation award - second place
2018, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll (Years 1 and 2)
2017 Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll (Years 1 and 2)
2016 Phi Kappa Phi non-tenured faculty award
2015 Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll (Years 1 and 2)
2014 Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll (Years 1 and 4)
2012 American College of Veterinary Radiology Resident Author Award \
2012 National Veterinary Honor Society
McCarthy D (surgery resident), Granger LA, Aulakh K, Gines A. Evaluation of the accuracy of a custom 3D printed drill guide for drilling canine sacra for sacroiliac luxation stabilization, and comparison with traditional free-hand technique. Veterinary Surgery. Accepted August 2021.
Miles S (radiology resident), Gaschen L, Presley T (pre-veterinary student), Liu C, *Granger LA. Influence of repeat abdominal radiographs on the resolution of mechanical obstruction and gastrointestinal foreign material. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound. 2021; 62 (3): 282 – 288. *Mentor author
Myers J (veterinary student), Granger LA, Keeton ST, Liu C, Johnston AN. Quantification of serum fibroblast growth factor-19 concentration in healthy dogs before and after feeding. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 2021; 82 (8): 676 – 682.
Jania RA (radiology resident), Kinney M, *Granger LA. Contrast enhanced computed tomographic findings of apparently normal cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) livers. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife. 2021; 52 (1): 320 – 326. *Mentor author
Wilson K (radiology resident), Powers D (mentee), Grasperge B, Liu C, *Granger LA. Dogs with biliary rupture based on ultrasound findings may have normal total serum bilirubin values. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound. 2021; 62 (2): 236 – 245. *Mentor author
Marclay M (internal medicine resident), Jania RA (radiology resident), Anderson A, Granger LA, Bauer R, Johnston A. What is your diagnosis? Hemocholecyst in a dog. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Assigned to appear in November 1, 2021 issue.
Paradise H (radiology resident), Gaschen L, Wanderer M (veterinary student), Liu C, *Granger LA. Performing both lateral abdominal radiographs may not improve the visualization of gas in the gastric outflow tract of cats. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound. 2019;60 (6): 633 – 639. *Mentor author
Vasseur P (Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries), Zimorski S (Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries), Szyszoski E (Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries), LaCour J (Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries), Lankton J (US Geological Survey), Granger LA. Wing abnormality in a wild-hatched whooping crane (Grus americana) chick from the nonmigratory population in Louisiana, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 2019; 55 (4): 954 – 957.
Gaschen L, *Granger LA, Oubre O (veterinary student), Shannon D (veterinary student), Kearney M, Gaschen F. The effect of diet composition and luminal ingesta on intestinal mucosal echogenicity in healthy dogs. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound. 2016; 57 (5): 546 – 550. *Co-principle investigator and planned research study
Fletcher JM, Scudder CJ, Kiupel M, Kenny P, Mantis P, Fenn J, Smith K, Blair RV, *Granger LA, Niessen SJM. Hypersomatotropism in three cats without concurrent diabetes mellitus. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2016; 30 (4): 1216 – 1221. *Collaborative clinician, planned imaging studies.
Grant Funding
Granger LA, Stewart M (radiology resident), Gaschen F, Gaschen L. Evidence for use of end expiratory CT in dogs with chronic coughing. American College of Veterinary Radiology Resident Research Grant. $7450; Jul 1, 2016.
Granger LA, Gaschen L, Blank C (veterinary student). Variation in airway size during respiration and cough in normal versus malacic dogs. Merial NIH Veterinary Scholars Program. $5730; Mar 9, 2016.
Granger LA, Powers D (veterinary student). Sonographic adrenal gland variation and histopathologic correlation in dogs. Merial NIH Veterinary Scholars Program. $5619; March 5, 2015.
Granger LA, Gaschen L, Hilferty M (veterinary student). Association of pancreatic hyperechogenicity with breed, age, and BCS in dogs. Merial NIH Veterinary Scholars Program. $5400; January 31, 2013.
Granger LA, Queiroz P. Computed tomographic analysis of anesthesia-induced atelectasis using two inspired oxygen concentrations during peak inspiration in dogs. Can atelectasis be avoided? VCS Corps 51Âþ». $4000; December 20, 2012.
Granger LA, Armbrust LJ, Rankin D. Estimation of glomerular filtration rate in 10 healthy cats using single-slice dynamic computed tomography and Patlak plot analysis. MCAT CVM Kansas State University. $6,680; 2009.
Gaschen L, Granger LA, Wanderer M (veterinary student). Clinical utility of obtaining both right and left lateral abdominal radiographs in cats. Merial NIH Veterinary Scholars Program. $5400; January 30, 2018.
Coulter C (radiology resident), *Granger LA, Wakamatsu N, Gaschen L. Sonographic pancreatic variation and histopathologic correlation in normal dogs. Hunting and Retriever Club Foundation, Inc. $1500; July, 2014. *Mentor author
Gaschen L, Granger LA, Oubre O (veterinary student). The effect of diet composition and luminal ingesta on intestinal echogenicity in healthy dogs. Morris Animal Foundation. $5400; April 19, 2014. *Co-principle investigator, mentor, and planned research study
LeRoux A (radiology resident and master’s student), *Granger LA, Wakamatsu N, Gaschen L. Correlation of ultrasonographic small intestinal wall layering with histology in normal dogs. Hunting and Retriever Club Foundation, Inc. $1500; 2012. *Mentor author
Tully TN, Jones K (zoo animal resident), Shiomitsu K, Kearney MT, Granger LA, Gaschen L. Enabling improved chemotherapeutic dosing: Ferret specific formula for body surface. VCS Corps 51Âþ». $3826; December 2011. *Collaborative clinician, planned imaging studies