Madeleine Stein

Madeleine Stein

Assistant Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine

Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences

LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Joined LSU Vet Med January 5, 2024



MSc, University of Prince Edward Island, 2021

BVetMed, Royal Veterinary College, 2018

BSc (hons), University of Bristol, 2015


Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (SAIM)

Research Interest

My primary research focus is antimicrobial stewardship in companion animal medicine, with a particular focus on behavioral practices. I am also interested in the kidneys and urinary tract, especially infections within these systems.

Teaching Interest

I enjoy being able to provide veterinary students and other veterinary practitioners tools to help with common issues encountered in practice, particularly around antimicrobial use and spectrum of care.

Clinical Interest

On the clinic floor I am most interested in renal and urinary cases, along with some interventional urinary procedures. I also enjoy management of complicated and multi-drug resistant bacterial infections.

Awards & Honors

2023, Tufts University Dr. James Ross Memorial Award

2023, Tufts University Resident Award for Excellence in Research

2023, ACVIM Forum Resident Research Awards

2022, MedVet ACVIM TLC Travel Grant

2019, Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Graduate Student Scholarship


Sjoberg AM, Fellman CL, DeStefano IM, Langfitt SM, Stein MR, Kwong M, Beaulac K, Doron S. One Health interprofessional stewardship to combat antimicrobial resistance. Nat Med 2023 2023; 1–2.  

Evason MD, Stein MR, Stull JW. Impact of a Spectrum of Care Elective Course on Third-Year Veterinary Students’ Self-Reported Knowledge, Attitudes, and Competencies. J Vet Med Educ 2022; e20220010.

Stein MR, Weese JS, Stull JW, McClure JT, Evason M. Knowledge, attitudes and influencers of cat owners in North America around antimicrobials and antimicrobial stewardship. J Feline Med Surg. 2022;24(6). doi:10.1177/1098612X221090456  

Stein MR, Evason MD, Stull JW, McClure JT, Weese JS. Knowledge, attitudes and influencers of North American dog-owners surrounding antimicrobials and antimicrobial stewardship. J Small Anim Pract. 2021 Jun;62(6):442-449. doi: 10.1111/jsap.13297.  

Wilshaw J, Stein M, Lotter N, Elliott J, Boswood A. The effect of myxomatous mitral valve disease severity on packed cell volume in dogs. J Small Anim Pract. 2021 Jun;62(6):428-436. doi: 10.1111/jsap.13308.

Grant Funding

2021, Cummings Faculty Seed Grant: Prevalence of resistant fecal flora in dogs and co-carriage with owners after treatment with short-course antimicrobials, $11,000