Xiaochu Wu

Xiaochu Wu


Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences

LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Baton Rouge, LA 70803



PhD, University of Saskatchewan, 2007

BS, University of Saskatchewan, 2004

MS, York University, 2002

MS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1990

BA, East China Normal University, 1987

Awards & Honors

2008 GREAT

2000 NSERC


Novel Spiroplasma Spp. Cultured From Brains and Lymph Nodes From Ruminants Affected With Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy, Wu, Xiaochu, 2018, J. Neuropathol Exp Neuro , Volume: 1, Number: 77, Pages: 64

Accelerated Progression of Hodgkin’s-like Lymphoma in Golli Deficient Mice, Ouyang, Suidong; Han, Guangming; Wu, Xiaochu; Jiang, Zhengfan; Feng, Ji-Ming, 2016, Cellular Immunology , Volume: 302, Pages: 41-49

On Further Understanding of Interaction of Pristine Carbon Nanotubes with Hemoglobin, Serum and H2S. , Wu, Xiaochu; Wu, L; Zhang, W, 2013, J Nanomater Mol Nanotechnol , Volume: 2, Number: 2, Pages: 3

Competitive electroporation formulation for cell therapyCompetitive electroporation formulation for cell therapy, Flanagan, Mark; Gimble, J; Yu, G; Wu, Xiaochu; Xia, X; Hu, J; Yao, Shaomia; Li, Shulin, 2011, Cancer Gene Therapy , Volume: 18, Number: 8, Pages: 579-586

Data Analyses and new Findings Indicate a Primordial Neurotropic Pathogen Evolved into Infectious Causes of Several CNS Neurodegenerative Diseases, Wu, Xiaochu, 2017, Biorxiv


The role of golli protein in insulin secretion of pancreatic beta cells, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine CORP

Conversion of somatic cells to pluripotent stem cells by auxin stimulation, LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, $10,000.00