Planned Giving: Create a Legacy

You can create a permanent legacy for the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine through an endowment or an estate gift. For specific information, you should consult your tax advisor or a professional estate planner. Additional information is available on the LSU Foundation website under or you may contact Lindsey Yates-Grimley, Executive Director of Planned Giving, LSU Foundation, 225-772-1194.

You should notify the School of Veterinary Medicine or the LSU Foundation when an estate gift to benefit the School has been established with your estate planner. Donors who make gifts to LSU through estate plans are eligible for voluntary membership in the LSU Foundation's 1860 Society. Members of the 1860 Society share in the pride of LSU and enjoy the satisfaction of shaping the future of its students, faculty and academic enrichment programs.

Types of Gifts