Borrowing, Renewing, and Returning Materials
A valid LSU ID card is required to check out library materials. ID cards are nontransferable. Each individual issued an ID card is responsible for all library materials borrowed on his/her card. Reserve materials, audio visual materials, and journals are restricted to loans for School of Veterinary Medicine affiliates only.
Loan Periods
Books = 14 days
Journals = 7 days
Reserve Materials = 5 hours
HDMI & MAC Adapters = due back before closing by 4:20 p.m.
(Adapters are for LSU Vet Med building only)
Overdue Fees
- Books 35¢ per day
- Journals 75¢ per day
- Videos 75¢ per day
- Reserves $1.20 per hour
Penalties may include fines, fees, and replacement costs.
Books may be renewed one time only for a maximum loan period of 4 weeks. Renewals may be done in person (you must have the book with you) at the LSU Vet Med Library Circulation Desk or online.
To renew items online, go to the page. Click the button labeled "Library Catalog Login Page for LSU Affiliates" and log in with your LSU credentials. Once logged in, go to the tab labeled "Checkouts" and select the items you wish to renew, then click the "Renew" button.
Reserve materials, audio visual materials, and journals cannot be renewed.
Library materials may be returned directly to the Veterinary Medicine Library, to the book dropbox located outside the main entrance of the LSU Vet Med building, or to any of the LSU campus libraries.
Borrowers will be charged for overdue materials at the following rates:
- Books: 35¢ per day
- Journals: 75¢ per day
- Videos: 75¢ per day
- Reserves: $1.20 per hour
Penalties may include fines, fees, and replacement costs.
Lost or Stolen Items
If a book is not renewed or returned within 40 days after its due date, it will be considered lost, and the borrower will be billed accordingly. When an item is lost or stolen, the patron should notify the library immediately by filling out the . Overdue fines continue to accumulate until notification is received. If a book is reported lost or stolen before its due date, no overdue fines will be assessed, and the service charge will be reduced. Lost book charges consist of accrued overdue fines, a service charge, and the replacement cost for a new item. All library patrons, including faculty, are responsible for lost book charges in all circumstances.
Stolen library items should be reported to the proper authorities as well as the library. If the patron can provide a copy of the police report, then the service charge will be waived and the patron will be charged only for the replacement cost of the item.