
Form 1098-T 

Form 1098-T, tuition statement, is a document used to assist in the calculation of education tax credits. Many taxpayers and even tax preparers assume because Form 1098-T is an official IRS form, that the numbers may simply be entered on a tax return without further adjustment, but Form 1098-T is not a ‘plug and play’ document. Below are some common questions regarding form 1098-T.

Educational institutions are required to report the following for each student:

  • Social Security Number, Name, Address
  • Payments received (Box 1) for qualified tuition and related expenses charged in the tax year
  • Decreases to amounts reported in Box 1 of a previously issued Form 1098-T (Box 4)
  • The amount of scholarships/grants/fellowships/exemptions posted in the tax year (Box 5)
  • Decreases to amounts reported in Box 5 of a previously issued Form 1098-T (Box 6)
  • Was the student enrolled as at least a half-time student (Box 8)
  • Was the student enrolled as a graduate student (Box 9)

Forms 1098-T are mailed by January 31. If you have not received a Form 1098-T by the end of the first week in February, to print your 1098-T. 

Only transactions posted between January 1 and December 31 of the tax year are used in the calculation. Qualified tuition and related expenses include tuition, nonresident fee, some international fees, and other required fees. Some fees that are not considered qualified tuition and related expenses are housing, meal plans, TigerCash, penalties, or fines. Please note, this is not intended to be an all-inclusive list. 

Payments received as reported in Box 1 are capped at the total qualified tuition and related expenses posted during the calendar year. For example, if registration is completed in December 2021 and scholarships are posted in January 2022, the next calendar year, a student may notice that Box 5 is higher than Box 1.

There are a number of reasons why a form would not be prepared. 

  • If the qualified tuition and related expenses were paid entirely by scholarships/grants/ exemptions/fellowships.
  • Qualified tuition and related expenses were assessed in the previous calendar year for a term that began after January 1 of the subsequent year.
  • If a student resigned for the only term in which they were enrolled during a calendar year.
  • If Form 1098-T is not located on myLSU > Financial Services > Tax Documents we were not required to produce a form for you. 

Only payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses are reported in Box 1. Qualified tuition and related expenses include tuition, nonresident fee, some international fees, and other required fees. Some fees that are not considered qualified tuition and related expenses are housing, meal plans, TigerCash, and penalties. Please note, this is not intended to be an all-inclusive list. 

Scholarships/grants/exemptions/fellowships administered and processed by the University are included in Box 5.

If you are a student at LSU A&M, email bursar@lsu.edu with your questions.
Below is contact information for other LSU campuses:

LSU Alexandria
Lisa Smith
(318) 473-6405

LSU Eunice
Audwin Donatto
(337) 550-1229

LSU Continuing Education
(225) 578-2500



Contact Us

Email: bursar@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-3357
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

University Cashier Hours

Monday - Friday
10 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. and
12:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.
(for departmental transactions)


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