Perkins Loan
Perkins Loans are serviced through ECSI Heartland. These loans have a 5% interest rate, principal nor interest accrues while a borrower is enrolled at least half-time and borrowers receive an initial nine month grace period before entering repayment. Both principal and interest will not accrue during a grace period.
The Perkins Loan program is governed by Federal Regulations and Guidelines and allows for loan cancellation for work performed in specific career fields. Over a five year period, if approval criteria are met, a borrower who is employed in fields such as, but not limited to, law enforcement, nursing, or teaching in a low income school can have up to 100% of his/her loan canceled.
*Under federal law, the authority for schools to make new Perkins Loans ended on Sept. 30, 2017, and final disbursements were permitted through June 30, 2018. As a result, students can no longer receive Perkins Loans.
ECSI can be contacted at 1-888-549-3274 or online access at .
Perkins Loan Forms
General Borrower Information
Loan Deferment Requests
- In-School Deferment Request
- Unemployment Deferment Request
- Economic Hardship Deferment Request
- General Forbearance Request
- Mandatory Forbearance Request
- Deferment Request Due to Cancer Treatment
- Deferment Request Due to Employment
- Graduate Fellowship Deferment Request
- Rehabilitation Training Deferment Request
- Military Service and Post-Active Duty Student Deferment Request
Loan Cancellation Request
Payment Arrangement Request
Loan Discharge Requests
- Loan Discharge Application: Spouses and Parents of 9/11/2001 Victims
***To apply for a Total and Permanent Disability Discharge, please refer to the .
Contact Us
Perkins Loan
125 Thomas Boyd Hall
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
Telephone: 225-578-3092
Fax: 225-578-3969
Perkins Loan Exit Interview