
Perkins Loan

Perkins Loans are serviced through ECSI Heartland. These loans have a 5% interest rate, principal nor interest accrues while a borrower is enrolled at least half-time and borrowers receive an initial nine month grace period before entering repayment. Both principal and interest will not accrue during a grace period.

The Perkins Loan program is governed by Federal Regulations and Guidelines and allows for loan cancellation for work performed in specific career fields. Over a five year period, if approval criteria are met, a borrower who is employed in fields such as, but not limited to, law enforcement, nursing, or teaching in a low income school can have up to 100% of his/her loan canceled.

*Under federal law, the authority for schools to make new Perkins Loans ended on Sept. 30, 2017, and final disbursements were permitted through June 30, 2018. As a result, students can no longer receive Perkins Loans.

ECSI can be contacted at 1-888-549-3274 or online access at .

Perkins Loan Forms

General Borrower Information

Loan Deferment Requests

Loan Cancellation Request

Payment Arrangement Request

Loan Discharge Requests

Contact Us

Perkins Loan
125 Thomas Boyd Hall
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
Telephone: 225-578-3092
Fax: 225-578-3969
Email: perkinsloan@lsu.edu


Perkins Loan Exit Interview

Exit Interview