
Special Authorizations List


Special authorization is required for the purchase of certain goods and services regardless of cost and method of payment.

Approvals must be obtained in writing prior to any purchase for the following:
Item Procedure


All advertising expenditures and purchases, regardless of cost and method of payment, require the following prior approvals:
  • Human Resource Management (HRM): for employment ads (see PS-1).
  • Procurement to determine ad’s legal authority.
The Department is responsible for securing applicable HRM approval prior to submitting ad paperwork to Procurement.


All procurement-related agreements MUST be processed through Procurement.

**Note: Only Procurement is authorized to sign procurement agreements, contracts, orders, etc on behalf of the University.**

Appliances & Equipment

All purchases of household, laboratory appliances or other equipment (including, but not limited to lab equipment, refrigerators, freezers, ice makers, microwaves, dishwashers, etc.) that require electricity, regardless of cost and method of payment, require prior written approval from Facility Services.


New vehicles purchases require LPAA approval. These vehicles should be purchased from a state contract and may only be purchased as replacements (trades must be turned in to State Property Control upon delivery of new vehicles). If there aren't vehicles on Louisiana State Contracts that meet the department's needs, a requisition should be submitted to Procurement to coordinate release of a solicitation through the Office of State Procurement.

Vehicle Rental for instate travel requires use of established Louisiana State contracts.

Building Modifications

Any modifications to LSU buildings or property for installation or enhancement either require processing through or written approval from Facility Services in accordance with PS-84.


Any use of University funds for entertainment must comply with PS-11, and only caterers who have been licensed by LSU in accordance with PS-60 may provide catering services within LSU facilities and leased premises. All special meal functions are subject to the special meal rates defined in PS-11 and PM-13 and require pre-approval by the department on the AS499 form.

Copiers and Supplies

Copier equipment cannot be purchased, rented, or leased from off-campus suppliers, but must be obtained from Copier Management. Toner and other copier supplies must also be obtained from Copier Management at 578-2003.


Chairs greater than $750 per unit require approval from the Assistant Vice President of Procurement & Property Management AND Human Resources Management (HRM) (if the purchase is to address accommodations under ADA).

All purchases of modular furniture require pre-approval from Information Technology Services (ITS) and Facility Services.


Require written pre-approval from Facility Services AND the Risk Management. All agreements MUST be processed through Procurement.

Information Technology

IT Procurements specifically enterprise solutions (campus-wide or multi-campus use) require prior written approval from IT Governance.

Lease Equipment Purchases

Lease Equipment/Installment purchases—where bids are obtained in accordance with appropriate purchasing procedures and payments are made over a period of time—are permitted only in special cases. A letter of justification, approved by the requestor's department head, dean or director(where applicable), and appropriate Vice Chancellor must be submitted, along with a purchase requisition submitted in Workday to Procurement. 

The justification must indicate:

  • The amount of the purchase,

  • The desired term of the installment agreement,

  • The source of funds to be used to pay the installment,

  • Why an installment is being requested in lieu of an outright purchase.

Procurement must also obtain approval of the requisition from the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration/CFO before proceeding with the bid or purchase.

Lease or Rental of Space
(Real Property)

Requires written approval from Procurement.

Manpower Contracts

Requires written approval from Human Resources Management (HRM).

Network Equipment

Requires written approval from Information Technology Services (ITS).

On-Site Services

Services rendered on campus by a third-party supplier require evidence that supplier meets University Vendor/Contractor Insurance Requirements. A purchase requisition MUST be submitted in Workday for services with a cost greater than $10,000 to obtain proof of insurance from the supplier.

Printed Materials

The contents of reputation-defining publications require the approval of the Office of Communications & University Relations. Printed materials such as flyers, bulletins, leaflets, house organs, circulars, reports or similar publications are to be purchased in accordance with purchasing policies and procedures. The aforementioned printed materials do not require a PUR522 form.

Professional, Specialty and Consulting Services

 All PSC services require a requisition and MUST be processed through Procurement. 

Promotional Items/ Use of LSU Trademarks and Indicia
(Awards, Plaques, Trophies or Uniforms)

All items bearing or containing the University name or other indicia are subject to provisions of PS-93: Use of University Name and Indicia and must be purchased from a supplier on the LSU Licensee List. The purchase of ALL promotional items, regardless of the total cost, payment method and if university’s name, trademark and/or logo is used, requires the completion of the online PUR522 form. Prior to any commitment of funds, the form must be approved by Trademark & Licensing. Procurement approval is also needed if university funds are used. 

Purchases less than $10,000.00 may be direct charged or paid using the LaCarte card (depending on cardholder's purchase limit) provided that the PUR522 form is submitted and approved before any purchase is made. If the total cost exceeds $10,000.00, a purchase requisition must be submitted to obtain competitive quotes and a purchase order issued in accordance with Procurement policy/procedure. 

NOTE: The form is NOT required for standard printed materials used to promote the University internally or externally (e.g. brochures, posters, banners, annual reports, etc.). The contents of reputation-defining publications require the approval of the Office of Communications & University Relations.

Radioactive Materials/Controlled Substances

Prior approval of the purchase of radioactive materials/equipment must be obtained from Radiation Safety Office. Contact Amin Hamideh at ahamid1@lsu.edu or 225-578-2747 for guidance.

A record of the purchase of radioactive materials and controlled substances must be maintained in the Environmental Health and Safety's web-based Environmental Health Safety Assistant (EHSA) system. The request for waste disposal MUST also be submitted through the Environmental Health Safety Assistant (EHSA) system. Contact EHS at 225-578-4314 for additional information.


Requires prior approval from Information Technology Services (ITS) and the Digital Resources & Content (DRC) to review data security language, ensure compatibility with existing technology infrastructure, determine if accessibility requirements are met/addressed. Approval must be obtained via the .


Requires approval from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).


Multi-line phone purchases MUST be made through Information Technology Services (ITS).

Trade-In of Equipment

Requires approval from Property Management and/or LPAA.

Two-Way Radios

The purchase of two-way radio to be used on the State system MUST be approved in writing by LSU Police; also, property tagging is required by the Property Management.

Used Equipment

Refer to the Used Equipment Procedure (PRO-U525.A.25).


Requires written approval by LSU Police Department; a purchase requisition MUST be submitted through Workday using the 'Firearms' spend category (SC0182).


Rev 2/12/25