Visit our Educator’s Corner to view and download learning objectives for each of our field trips offered through Trees and Trails, and lesson plans that include National Standards that are introduced or reinforced, and pre trip and post trip activities.
Corn Maze Fridays offer all of the fall family fun of Corn Maze Saturdays to groups of schools students in grade k-4 every Friday in October.
Join us from home with these informational videos! These are perfect for homeschool learning fun for every age!
View our facilities and gardens at anytime! With these 360 videos, you'll see every angle!
Citizen scientists are individuals from all walks of life: gardeners, nature enthusiasts, students, educators, and the general public, who would like to share their observations about nature and local ecology as part of a collaborative project with scientists and the global community.
While you may not be able to join us at Burden, please enjoy this page that includes multiple resources on birding information, birding apps, birding guides, and more for birding at home! Our goal is to provide you with information about our birding loops and links to resources that will enhance your birding experience.
Story Time at Burden is a creative way of mixing storytelling, reading and imaginative, hands-on craft activities. Parents with children ages 3 through 8 are invited to join in the fun from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Go to our events page to see when the next session is scheduled.
For more information email Becky White at
StoryWalk, an innovative and delightful way for children and adults to enjoy reading and the outdoors at the same time! Pages from a children’s book are displayed throughout the outdoor path. As you stroll down the trail, you’re directed to the next page in the story. Interactive signs located along the path include author and illustrator information. The StoryWalk project was made possible through a generous donation from the Junior League.
Trees and Trails is designed for hiking and interpretive, educational activities that encourage adventure and discovery for youth and adults. The trail system provides a framework for nature experiences with educational areas in a safe, outdoor environment. The trails are open from 8:00 a.m. to dusk every day of the year except Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
Come to the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens for a Geocaching experience! Geocaching at the LSU Botanic Gardens is an outdoor recreational and educational activity, in which individuals use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or mobile device to find containers, called "geocaches" or "caches," at specific locations marked by precise geographic coordinates.
The geocaching experience at our Botanic Gardens, was developed in the Spring 2019 by a student intern in the LSU’s AgCenter”s Botanic Garden Learning by LeadingTM Internship program.
For more information about Geocaching, please visit the official Geocaching !
Sarah Rayner, Youth Education Coordinator
The butterflies in this are common to the Pollinator Garden at the LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens and throughout the surrounding areas. The butterflies are attracted to the nectar in flowers that they use as an energy source. If host plant(s) specific to the butterflies are available in the gardens, the butterflies may deposit eggs on the leaves of their host plants. The caterpillars, also known as larvae, can feed on the leaves and at some point pupate, and emerge as an adult butterfly.
Dr. Chrissy Mogren
Landscaping trees into your yard provides numerous benefits such as shade, improving
drainage, and habitat for pollinators and other wildlife. While bees are adapted to
life in prairies as opposed to forests, they can still utilize resources provided
by flowering trees when incorporated into
a pollinator-oriented landscape. In addition to providing floral food
resources, native trees are also host plants to a number of beautiful
native butterflies and moths. As you walk through Trees & Trails, keep
an eye out for signs indicating which trees provide important resources
for Louisiana native bees, butterflies, and moths!
Burden Buddies is a fun and interactive program that allows children ages 4-11 to learn about nature and wildlife available at the Botanic Gardens from the comfort of their home or bed!
Trees and Trails offers learning opportunities for teachers, schools and other organizations. Outdoor classrooms are designed to put students in touch with the natural world to learn about the cultural heritage of our region as well as the importance of maintaining ecosystems in an urban environment. We welcome and encourage schools and organizations for all ages to enjoy the Trees and Trails as an educational experience.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trees and Trails field trip program will not be offered until further notice. Learn more about Trees and Trails at Burden.