Sibel BarguSibel Bargu Ates

Position: Associate Dean of 51Âţ»­, CC&E and Shell Professor in Oceanography/Wetland Studies, Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences

Phone: 225-578-3334

Fax: 225-578-5328


Office: 1002T Energy, Coast and Environment

Bachelor's Degree(s): Istanbul University, 1994

Master's Degrees(s): University of California at Santa Cruz, 1998

Ph.D.(s): University of California at Santa Cruz, 2001

Research Interests

Freshwater, Estuarine and Marine Phytoplankton Ecology, Harmful Algal Blooms and Food Web Contamination, Phytoplankton-Zooplankton Interactions, Global Climate Change.

Classes Taught

OCS 1010: Introduction to Coastal Environmental Science
OCS 7310: Harmful Algal Blooms

Professional Affiliations and Service Activities

2017–Present; Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF)

2009–Present; The Oceanography Society (TOS)

2006–Present; International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae (ISSA)

2001–Present; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)

Recent Publications (2013 – 2020)

(* = lead author is a student of S. Bargu)

Huang, W., C. Li, J.R. White, S. Bargu. B. Milan, S. Bentley. 2020. Numerical Experiments on Variation of Freshwater Plume and Leakage Effect from Mississippi River Diversion in the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125,e2019JC015282

Bargu, S., D. Justic, J. White, R. Lane, J. Day, H. Paerl, R. Raynie. 2019. Mississippi River diversions and phytoplankton dynamics in deltaic Gulf of Mexico estuaries: a review. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 221: 39-52

*Mallozzi, A.J. R.M. Errera, S. Bargu, A.D. Hermann. 2019. Impacts of elevated pCO2 on estuarine phytoplankton biomass and community structure in two biogeochemically distinct systems in Louisiana, USA. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 511: 28-39

Baustian, M.M., S. Bargu, W. Morrison, C. Sexton, N.N. Rabalais. 2018. The polychaete, Paraprionospio pinnata, is a likely vector of domoic acid to the benthic food web in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Harmful Algae, 79: 44-49

Lampe, R.H., N.R. Cohen, K.A. Ellis, K.W. Bruland, M.T. Maldonado, T.D. Peterson, C.E. Parker, M.A. Brzezinski, S. Bargu, K. Thamatrakoln, F.I. Kuzminov, B.S.Twining, A. Marchetti. 2018. Divergent gene expression among phytoplankton taxa in response to upwelling. Environmental Microbiology, 20: 3069-3082

Baustian, M., E. Meselhe, H. Jung, K. Sadid, S. DukeSylvester, J. Visser, M. Allison, L. Moss, C. Ramatchandirane, B. van Maren, M. Jeuken, S. Bargu. 2018. Development of an integrated biophysical model to represent morphological and ecological processes in a changing deltaic and coastal ecosystem. Environmental Modelling and Software, 109: 402-419

Cohen, N.R., K.A. Ellis, R.H. Lampe, H. McNair, B.S. Twining, M.T. Maldonado, M.A. Brzezinski, F.I. Kuzminov, K. Thamatrakoln, C.P. Till, K.W. Bruland, W.G. Sunda, S.Bargu, A. Marchetti 2017. Diatom transcriptional and physiological responses to changes in iron bioavailability across ocean provinces. Frontiers in Marine Science (Marine Ecosystem Ecology), 4, Article 360, 1-20, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00360
*Starr, A.V., S. Bargu, K. Maiti, R.D. DeLaune. 2017. The Effect of Atrazine on Louisiana Gulf Coast Estuarine Phytoplankton. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 72:178–188

Bargu, S, M. Baustian, N. Rabalais, R. Del Rio, B. Von Korf, E. Turner. 2016. Influence of the Mississippi River on Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundance and toxicity in Louisiana coastal waters. Estuaries and Coasts, 39: 1345–1356

Roy, E.D., E.A. Smith, S. Bargu, J.R. White. 2016. Will Mississippi River diversions designed for coastal restoration cause harmful algal blooms?  Ecological Engineering, 91: 350-364

*Ozhan, K., S. Zahraeifard, A.P. Smith, S. Bargu. 2015. Induction of reactive oxygen species in marine phytoplankton under crude oil exposure. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22 (23): 18874-18884

*Riekenberg, J., S. Bargu, R.Twilley. 2015. Phytoplankton community shifts and harmful algae presence in a diversion influenced estuary. Estuaries and Coasts, 38: 2213-2226

*Ozhan, K, S. Bargu. 2014. Responses of sympatric Karenia brevis, Prorocentrum minimum, and Heterosigma akashiwo to the exposure of crude oil.  Ecotoxicology. 23 (8): 1387-1398

*Ozhan, K. M. Parsons, S. Bargu. 2014. How were phytoplankton affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill? BioScience, 64 (9): 829-836

*Smith, E.A., P.B. Blanchard, S. Bargu. 2014. Education and Public Outreach Concerning Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms in Southern Louisiana. Harmful Algae, 35: 38-45

*Ozhan, K., S.M. Miles, H. Gao, S. Bargu. 2014. Relative physiological responses of phytoplankton in the northern Gulf of Mexico to crude oil and to a dispersant. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186: 3941–3956

*Ozhan, K, S. Bargu. 2014. Distinct responses of Gulf of Mexico phytoplankton communities to crude oil and the dispersant Corexit® EC9500A under different nutrient regimes. Ecotoxicology, 23: 370–384

*Ozhan, K. S. Bargu. 2013. Can Crude Oil Toxicity on Phytoplankton Be Predicted Based on Toxicity Data on Benzo(A)Pyrene and Naphthalene? Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 92: 225–230

Roy, E.D., J.R. White, E.A. Smith, S. Bargu, and C. Li. 2013. Estuarine Ecosystem Response to Three Large-scale Mississippi River Flood Diversion Events. Science of the Total Environment, 458-460: 374-387

Li, C., J. R. White, S. Bargu. 2013. On the Calculation of the Flux of Materials through Wetlands and Estuaries under Oscillatory Motions, submitted to “Biogeochemistry of Wetlands”, Editors: R. D. DeLaune, K. R. Reddy, C. J. Richardson, and J. P. Megonigal, Soil Science Society of America