Giving to the Coast & Environment

Louisiana’s geography and natural resources are directly linked to the lives and livelihoods of the people who live here. Changes in coastal and environmental conditions—whether they are due to hurricanes, flooding, a sinking coastline, or another cause-- directly impact our communities, animals, industry, and natural ecosystems. Unfortunately for Louisiana, such changes are occurring rapidly. Time is of the essence as we work to stabilize and maintain our coastal environment. 

Ways to Give

Your gifts to CC&E will help students gain the skills to analyze, understand, and mitigate the impacts of coastal and environmental challenges in our communities and in similar environments around the world. You will also provide faculty with the flexibility to explore new avenues of discovery. There are several ways to give listed below. If you would like to support a fund not listed on the page, or if you would like more information about philanthropy at LSU, please reach out to one of our Key Contacts.

Checks should be made payable to the “LSU Foundation” with the name of the fund that you wish to support listed in the “for” line. Checks may be mailed to LSU Foundation, 3796 Nicholson Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70802.

Our funding priorities are:

  • CC&E Development Fund
  • CC&E Research
  • College of Coast and Environment Student Support Fund

Learn more about them below. To support other funds, please reach out to one of our Key Contacts.

To pay by credit card, click the button below. You will need to select a CC&E-specified fund to support our college. Do this by checking "Specify a Fund" and copying and pasting the name of fund in the box provided. Our funding priorities are:

  • CC&E Development Fund
  • CC&E Research
  • College of Coast and Environment Student Support Fund

Visit the Funding Priorities section below to learn more about each priority. To support other opportunities, please reach out to one of our Key Contacts.

Endowed funds provide a lasting legacy of support. The principal is invested, and a portion of the earnings is spent annually This is a great way to ensure that donor wishes are supported forever.

If you are an LSU employee on the flagship campus, you can make a one-time or recurring gift via payroll deduction.

For information on fund names, contact Kathe Falls.

Enjoy tax benefits while supporting the College of the Coast & Environment. You may transfer shares of appreciated securities electronically to the LSU Foundation for the college's benefit. 

Leverage your generosity through challenge gifts, corporate matches, and technology tax credit. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees. to see if your company has a matching gift policy.

Find a charitable plan that will extend your legacy at LSU. 


Funding Priorities

Over the next year, our efforts to strengthen CC&E’s position as a global leader in collaborative coastal research and education will be increasingly important. We need to recruit and retain additional students, make quality faculty hires, improve the student experience, enhance our research capabilities and facilities, and launch new programs. We can only accomplish this if we have the right resources.


Key Contacts

LSU Foundation

Madi Nassif

Madi Nassif
Director of Development


LSU College of the Coast & Environment

Clint WillsonClint Willson
Interim Dean

Kathe FallsKathe Falls
Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations


CCE Alumni Spotlights

Robert Feder

Oceanography & Coastal Sciences alum Robert Feder is nearing the end of his one year Knauss Fellowship, which he spent working in the office of Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy

lsu summer graduation 2023

The College of the Coast & Environment is excited to welcome its latest set of alumni, the class of summer 2024!

Oceanography & Coastal Sciences Alum Courtney Nicole Hammond

Alumni of the Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences and the Department of Environmental Sciences recall their experiences with NOAA's Knauss Fellowship and make recommendations for students interested in becoming fellows.