John Day headshotJohn W. Day, Jr.

Position: Emeritus Professor, Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences

Phone: 225-578-6508

Fax: 225-578-6326


Office: 2237 Energy, Coast & Environment Bldg.

Bachelor's Degree(s): B.S. Zoology, 51Âţ»­, 1967

Master's Degrees(s): M.S. Zoology, 51Âţ»­, 1968

Ph.D.(s): Ph.D. Marine Sciences/Environmental Sciences, University of North Carolina, 1971

Google Scholar Citations

24,722 (Aug. 17, 2020)

Research Interests

Estuarine Ecology, Systems Ecology, Wetland Ecology, Ecological Modeling, Effects of Humans on Natural Systems, Tropical Coastal Ecology, Energy, Sustainability, Urban Dynamics

Awards & Honors

Reconocimiento Award from the Institute of Ecology in Xalapa, Mexico. March 2016. Por su brillante colaboración con el INECOL, desde 1998, como professor visiante, investigador distinguido, miembro del Comité Externo de Evaluación, y autor de numerosas publications cientificas en collaboración con académicos del INECOL.

Lifetime Achievement Award. Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana. May 2009.

Invited Keynote speaker for the International Workshop on Wetlands of the Yangtze Delta, Shanghai, China.  Aug. 2004.

Fullbright Fellowship, Laboratoire d’Ecologie des Systemes Fluviaux, Univ. Claude Bernard, Arles, France, 1992-93

Received in 2003, the national William A. Niering Education Award from the Estuarine Research Federation (This award is given once each two years and this was the second award)

Received the 2000 Lipsey Award for Outstanding Contributions in Teaching and Professional Achievement.

Received the LSU Center for Coastal, Energy, and Environmental Resources Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award for 1997-1998.

Past member of the Editorial Board of Scientia Marina and Ecological Engineering

Coordinator of the cooperative agreement between LSU and the Instituto de Ecologia in Xalapa, Mexico.

Member of Comite Externo de Evaluacion, Instituto de Ecologia, Xalapa, Mexico.

Chair, National Technical Review Committee (NTRC) to oversee and review the Louisiana Coastal Area Project to restore the Mississippi DeltaLiaison from the NTRC to the National Academy of Sciences committee reviewing the coastal restoration program for the Mississippi delta.

Invited Keynote Address. La gestion de los rios y la sostenibilidad de los deltas. Jornadas Cientificas:  Del Ebro Al Segura: Planificacion Hidrologica Y Sostenibilidad. Tortosa, Spain. 22-24 March 2002

2011-2017, Member of Scientific Steering Committee, Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) Programme, now the Future Earth Coasts Programme.

Received the National Wetlands Award for Science.  March 2020.


1973-2006-Estuarine Ecology (until retirement)
1975, 1976, 1984-Theoretical Concepts of Ecology
1986-Ecology and Management of Bottomland Forests
1994-Plankton Dynamics
Major Professor: 41 M.S. students; 29 Ph.D. students (70 total)
Current Thesis Direction: None
Committee Service
Dept. of Oceanography and Coastal Science: 12 Ph.D. students; 22 M.S. students
Minor Professor
7 Ph.D. students from the following Departments: Zoology, Botany, Geography, Vetenary Medicine, Entomology, and Fisheries and Wildlife. Also Southeastern Louisiana University, Tulane University, University of Utrecht, University of Barcelona, National University of Mexico, University of Campeche, Mexico, Institute of Ecology, Xalapa Mexcio

Professional Affiliations and Service Activities

Sigma Xi, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Louisiana Academy of Sciences, Society of Wetland Scientists, International Society of Ecological Modeling, Society for Ecological Engineering

Recent Publications (Last 5 Years)


Day, J., C. Hall, E. Roy, M. Moerschbaecher, C. D’Elia, D. Pimentel, and A. Yanez. 2016. America’s Most Sustainable Cities and Regions - Surviving the 21st Century Megatrends. Springer, New York. 348 p.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Pathways to Urban Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for the United States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23551.

Day, J. and J. Erdman (eds). 2018. Mississippi Delta Restoration – Pathways to a Sustainable Future. Springer, New York. 261 p.

Wolanski, E., J. Day, M. Elliott, and R. Ramachandran. editors. 2019. Coasts and Estuaries – The Future. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 729 p.

Edited Special Issues

Day, J. 2019. Freshwater Input to Deltas, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Day, J. and P. Kemp. 2020. Sustainable Restoration of Deltas with Special Emphasis on the Mississippi Delta. Water

Referred Journal Publications

Shaffer, G., John Day, Rachael Hunter, Robert Lane, Christopher Lundberg, Bernard Wood, Eva Hillmann, Jason Day, Eric Strickland, and Demetra Kandalepas. 2015. System response, nutria herbivory, and vegetation recovery of a wetland receiving secondarily-treated effluent in coastal Louisiana. Ecological Engineering. 79: 120-131.

Lane, R., H. Huang, J. Day, D. Justic, and R. DeLaune. 2015. Water quality of a coastal Louisiana swamp and how dredging is undermining restoration efforts. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science. 152: 23-32.

Lane, R., J.W. Day, G. Shaffer, R. Hunter, J.N. Day, W. Wood, P. Settoon. 2016. Hydrology and water budget analysis of the East Joyce wetlands: Past history and prospects for the future. Ecological Engineering. 87: 34-44.

Day, J., J. Cable, R. Lane, and G. Kemp. 2016. Sediment deposition at the Caernarvon crevasse during the great Mississippi flood of 1927: Implications for coastal restoration. Water. 8 (38): doi:10.3390/w8020038.

Day, J., R. Lane, C. D’Elia, A. Wiegman, J. Rutherford, G. Shaffer, C. Brantley, and G. Kemp. 2016. Large infrequently operated river diversions for Mississippi delta restoration. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science.

Koontz, M., C. Lundberg, R. Lane, J. Day, and R. Pezeshki. 2016. Aboveground net primary productivity in a riparian wetland following restoration of hydrology. Biology. 5 (10): doi:10.3390/biology5010010.

Hunter, R., J.W. Day, G. Shaffer, R. Lane, A. Englande, R. Reimers, D. Kandalepas, W. Wood, J.N. Day, and E. Hillmann. 2016. Restoration and management of a degraded swamp and freshwater marsh in coastal Louisiana. Water. 8: doi:10.3390/.

Kemp, G.P., J. Day, A. Yáñez-Arancibia, and N. Peyronnin. 2016. Do continental shelf river plumes in the northern and southern Gulf of Mexico promote ecological resilience in a time of climate change? Water. 7: doi:10.3390/w70x000x.

Shaffer, G., J. Day, D. Kandalepas, W. Wood, R. Hunter, R. Lane, and E. Hillmann. 2016. Decline of the Maurepas swamp, Pontchartrain Basin, Louisiana and approaches to restoration. Water. 7: doi:10.3390/w70x000x.

Ramesh, R, Z. Chen, V. Cummins, J. Day, C. D’Elia, B. Dennison, D.L. Forbes,
 B. Glaeser, M. Glaser, B. Glavovic, H. Kremer, M. Lange, J.N. Larsen, M.Le Tissier, A. Newton, M. Pelling, R. Purvaja, and E. Wolanski. 2016. Land–Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone: Past, present & future. Anthropocene.

J. Day, J. Agboola, Z. Chen, C. D'Elia, D. Forbes, L. Giosan, P. Kemp, C. Kuenzer, R. Lane, R. Ramachandran, J. Syvitski, A. Yanez. 2016. Approaches to defining deltaic sustainability in the 21st century. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Kemp, P., J. Day, D. Rogers, L. Giosan, and N. Peyronnin. 2016. Enhancing mud supply to the Mississippi River delta: Dam bypassing and coastal restoration. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.07.008.

Lane, R., S. Mack, J. Day, R. Delaune, M. Madison, and P. Precht. 2016. Fate of soil organic carbon during wetland loss. Wetlands. DOI 10.1007/s13157-016-0834-8

Ko, J.-Y., J. Day, J. Wilkins, J. Haywood, and R. Lane. 2017. Challenges in collaborative governance for coastal restoration: Lessons from the Caernarvon river diversion in Louisiana. Coastal Management.

Yáñez, A. and J. Day. 2017. Water scarcity and sustainability in the arid area of North America - Insights gained from a cross-border perspective. Regions & Cohesion. 7(1): 6-18. Doi: 10.3167/reco.2017.070103.

Lane, R., S. Mack, J. Day, R. Kempka, and L. Brady. 2017. Carbon sequestration at a forested wetland receiving treated sewage effluent. Wetlands. DOI 10.1007/s13157-017-0920-6.

Wiegman, R., J. Day, C. D’Elia, J. Rutherford, J. Morris, E. Roy, R. Lane, D. Dismukes, and B. Snyder. 2017. Modeling impacts of sea-level rise, oil price, and management strategy on the costs of sustaining Mississippi delta marshes with hydraulic dredging. Science of the Total Environment. 618: 1547-1559.

Pont, D., J. Day, and Carles Ibáñez. 2017. The impact of two large floods (1993-1994) on sediment deposition in the Rhone delta: Implications for sustainable management. Science of the Total Environment.

Day, J., C. D’Elia, A. Wiegman, J. Rutherford, C. Hall, R. Lane, and D. Dismukes. 2018. The energy pillars of society: Perverse interactions of human resource use, the economy, and environmental degradation. Biophysical Economics and Resource Quality. 3:2.

Rutherford, J., J. Day, C. D’Elia, A. Wiegman, C. Willson, R. Caffey, G. Shaffer, R. Lane, and D. Batker. 2017. Evaluating trade-offs of a large, infrequent sediment diversion for restoration of a forested wetland in the Mississippi delta. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 203: 80-89.

Day, J., P. Sánchez, and A. Sepúlveda. 2018. Obituary Luis Alejandro Yáñez-Arancibia 1944-2016. Journal of Fish Biology. 92: 293-297.

Day, J.W., R. DeLaune, J.R. White, R.R. Lane, R.G, Hunter, and G.P. Shaffer. 2018. Can denitrification explain coastal wetland loss: A review of case studies in the Mississippi delta and New England. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Hillmann, E.R., G.P. Shaffer, W.B. Wood, J.W. Day, J.N. Day, J. Mancuso, R.R. Lane, and R.G. Hunter. 2018. Above- and belowground response of baldcypress and water tupelo seedlings to variable rates of nitrogen loading: Mesocosm and field studies. Ecological Engineering.

Day, J.W., R.G. Hunter, R.R. Lane, G.P. Shaffer, and J.N. Day. 2018. Long-term assimilation wetlands in coastal Louisiana: Review of monitoring data and management. Ecological Engineering.

Hunter, R.G., J.W. Day, A.R. Wiegman, and R.R. Lane. 2018. Municipal wastewater treatment costs with an emphasis on assimilation wetlands in the Louisiana coastal zone. Ecological Engineering.

Ibáñez, C., C. Alcaraz, N. Caiola, P. Prado, R. Trobajo, X. Benito, J. Day, E. Reyes, and J. Syvitski. 2019. Basin scale impacts on world deltas: Human vs natural forcings. Global and Planetary Science. 173: 24-32.

Day, J., R. Lane, R. Hunter, and G. Shaffer. 2019. Response to Turner, R.E., J.E. Bodker, and C. Schultz. 2017. The belowground intersection of nutrients and buoyancy in a freshwater marsh. Wetlands Ecology & Management. 1-9.

Burger, R., J. Brown, J. Day, T. Flanagan, and E. Roy. 2019. The central role of energy in the urban transition: Global challenges for sustainability. Biophysical Economics and Resource Quality.

Elsey-Quirk, T. S. Graham, I. Mendelssohn, G. Snedden, J. Day, L. Sharp, R. Twilley, J. Pahl, and R. Lane. 2019. Synthesis of wetland responses to freshwater, sediment, and nutrient inputs: Will Mississippi River sediment diversions enhance wetland sustainabilituy? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Bargu, S., D. Justic, J. White, R. Lane, J. Day, H. Paerl, and R. Raynie, 2019. Mississippi river diversions and phytoplankton dynamics in deltaic Gulf of Mexico estuaries: A review. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Hiatt, M., G. Snedden, J. Day, R. Rohli, J. Nyman, L. Sharp, and R. Lane. 2019. Drivers and impacts of water level fluctuations in the Mississippi River delta: Implications for delta restoration. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Xu, K., S. Bentley, J. Day, and A. Freeman. 2019. A review of sediment diversion in the Mississippi River deltaic plain. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. In revision.

White, J., R. DeLaune, D. Justic, J. Day, J. Pahl, R. Lane, W. Boynton, and R. Twilley. 2019. Consequences of river water introduction on the nutrient biogeochemistry fo coastal deltaic wetland soils and estuarine sediments: A case study of Mississippi River diversions. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Jafari, N., B. Harris, J. Cadigan, J. Day, C. Sasser, P. Kemp, R. Lane, C. Wigand, and G. Holm, A. Freeman, L.A. Sharp, J. Pahl. 2019. Wetland soil strength with emphasis on the impact of nutrients and sediments.  et al. soil strength. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Twilley, R., J. Day, A. Bevington, E. Castañeda-Moya, A. Christensen, G. Holm, L. Heffner, R. Lane, A. Aarons, S. Li, A. Freeman, and A. Rovai. 2019. Coastal Deltaic Floodplains and Estuaries: Insights from the Mississippi River Delta. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Gunn, J., J. Day, W. Folan, and M. Moerschbaecher. 2019. Geo-cultural time: Advancing human societal complexity within worldwide constraint bottlenecks – A chronological-helical approach to understanding human-planetary interactions. Biophysical Economics and Resource Quality.

Day, J., A. Lara Dominguez, J. Herrera-Silveira and P. Kemp. 2019. Climate change in areas of the Gulf of Mexico with high freshwater input – A review of impacts and potential mitigation.  Jaina Costas y Mares ante el Cambio Cimático. 1(1): 87-108.  

Day, J., G. Shaffer, D. Cahoon, and R. DeLaune. 2019. Canals, backfilling and wetland loss in the Mississippi Delta. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Garcia, J., M. Garcia-Galan, J. Day, R. Boopathym J. White, S. Wallace and R. Hunter. 2020. A review of emerging organic contaminants (EOCs), antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB), and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the environment: Increasing removal with wetlands and reducing environmental impacts. Bioresource Technology. 10 p.

Cahoon, D., D. Reed, J. Day, J. Lynch, A. Swales, and R. Lane. 2020. Applications and utility of the surface elevation table-marker horizon method for measuring wetland elevation and shallow soil subsidence-expansion. Geo-Marine Letters. 7 p.

Day, J., H. Clark, C. Chang, R. Hunter and C. Norman. 2020. Life cycle of oil and gas fields in the Mississippi River Delta: A Review. Water. 12: 1492. doi:10.3390/w12051492

Pahl, J., A. Freeman, and R. Raynie. 2020. Response of coastal ecosystems to freshwater input with emphasis on the Mississippi River deltaic plain river diversions: Synthesis of the Science. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 243: (Introduction to the Special Issue on Freshwater Input to Coastal Ecosystems)

Lane, R., D. Reed, J. Day, P. Kemp, E. McDade and W. Rudolf. 2020. Elevation and accretion dynamics at historical plots in the Biloxi marshes, Mississippi Delta. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. In press.

Syvitski, J, J. Day, et al. 2020. An extraordinary outburst of human consumption, productivity and consequent geological impacts around 1959 CE marked the advent of the Anthropocene Epoch. Nature Communications. Accepted for publication.

Book Chapters Refereed

Day, J. and A. Yáñez. 2015. Impactso de los huracanes Katrina y Rita en el delta del rio Mississippi: implicación en políticas públicas para el sur del Golfo de México. Pp. 141-164. In: A. Yáñez (ed.). Cambio Climaytico –Adaptacion y Mitigacion Hacia Agendas Siglo XXI. Chapter 10. AGA Editor, S.A., Mexico, D.F.

Yáñez, A., J. Day, R. Twilley, and R. Day. 2015. Mangroves: sentinel-ecosystems and climate change impacts in the Gulf of Mexico, management implications. Pp. 165-179. In: A. Yáñez (ed.). Cambio Climatico – Adaptacion y Mitigacion Hacia Agendas Siglo XXI. Chapter 10. AGA Editor, S.A., Mexico, D.F.

Rivera-Monroy, M. Osland, J. Day, S. Ray, A. Rovai, R. Day, and J. Mukherjee. 2017. Advancing mangrove macroecology. pp. 347-381. In: V. Rivera-Monroy et al. (eds.) Mangrove Ecosystems: A Global Biogeographic Perspective. Springer, New York.

Hunter, R., J.W. Day, R. Lane, G. Shaffer, J.N. Day, W. Conner, J. Rybczyk, J. Mistich, and J. Ko. 2018. Using natural wetlands for municipal effluent assimilation: A half-century of experience for the Mississippi delta and surrounding environs. pp. 15-81. In: N. Nagabhatla and C. Metcalfe (eds.) Multifunctional Wetlands, Environmental Contamination Remediation and Management. Springer, New York.

Day, J. and J. Carney. 2018. Introduction – Changing conditions in the Mississippi delta from 1700 to 2100 and Beyond: Avoiding Folly.  pp. 1-10. In: J. Day and J. Erdman (eds.) Mississippi Delta Restoration. Springer, New York.

Lane, R., P. Kemp, and J. Day. 2018. A brief history of delta formation and deterioration.  pp. 11-27. In: J. Day and J. Erdman (eds.) Mississippi Delta Restoration. Springer, New York.

Shaffer, G., J. Day and R. Lane. 2018. Optimum use of freshwater to restore bald cypress – water tupelo swamps and freshwater marshes and protect against salt water intrusion: A case study of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin. pp. 61-76. In: J. Day and J. Erdman (eds.) Mississippi Delta Restoration. Springer, New York.

Rutherford, J., A. Wiegman, J. Day, and R. Lane. 2018. Energy and Climate – Global trends and their implications for delta restoration.  pp. 77-92. In: J. Day and J. Erdman (eds.) Mississippi Delta Restoration. Springer, New York.

Wiegman, A., J. Rutherford, and J. Day. 2018. The costs and sustainability of ongoing efforts to restore and protect Louisiana’s coast.  pp. 93-111. In: J. Day and J. Erdman (eds.) Mississippi Delta Restoration. Springer, New York.

Day, J., R. Lane, C. D’Elia, A. Wiegman, J. Rutherford, G. Shaffer, C. Brantley, and P. Kemp. 2018. Large infrequently operated river diversions for Mississippi delta restoratrion.  pp. 113-133. In: J. Day and J. Erdman (eds.) Mississippi Delta Restoration. Springer, New York.

Day, J. 2018. Summary and Conclusions.  pp. 249-257. In: J. Day and J. Erdman (eds.) Mississippi Delta Restoration. Springer, New York.

Colten, C. and J. Day. 2018. Resilience of natural systems and human communities in the Mississippi Delta: Moving beyond adaptability due to shifting baselines. pp. 209-222. In: E. Mossop (ed.), Sustainable Coastal Design and Planning. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton FL.

Elliott, M., J. Day, R. Ramachandran, E. Wolanski. 2019. A synthesis: What is the future for coasts, estuaries, deltas and other transitional habitats in 2050 and beyond? pp. 1-29. In: E. Wolanski, J. Day, M. Elliott, and R. Ramachandran (eds.), Coasts and Estuaries  - The Future. Chapter 1. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Day, J., R. Ramachandran, L. Giosan, J. Syvitski, and P. Kemp. 2019. Delta winners and losers in the Anthropcene. pp. 153-172. In: E. Wolanski, J. Day, M. Elliott, and R. Ramachandran (eds.), Coasts and Estuaries  - The Future. Chapter 9. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Day, J., C. Colten, and P. Kemp. 2019. Mississippi delta restoration and protection: Shifting baselines, diminishing resilience, and growing non-sustainability. pp. 173-192. In: E. Wolanski, J. Day, M. Elliott, and R. Ramachandran (eds.), Coasts and Estuaries - The Future. Chapter 10. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Day, J., C. Ibáñez, D. Pont, and F. Scarton. 2019. Status and sustainability of Mediterranean deltas: The case of the Ebro, Rhone, and Po deltas and Venice Lagoon. pp. 245-260. In: E. Wolanski, J. Day, M. Elliott, and R. Ramachandran (eds.), Coasts and Estuaries - The Future. Chapter 14. Elsevier. Amsterdam.

Herrera-Silveira, J., A Lara-Donínguez, J. Day, A. Yáñez-Arancibia, S. Morales Ojeda, C. Teutli Hernánez, and P. Kemp. 2019. Ecosystem functioning and sustainable management in coastal systems with high freshwater input in the southern Gulf of Mexico and Yucatan Peninsula. pp. 389-411. In: E. Wolanski, J. Day, M. Elliott, and R. Ramachandran (eds.), Coasts and Estuaries - The Future. Chapter 22. Elsevier. Amsterdam.

Day, J. and J. Rybczyk. 2019. Global change Impacts on the future of coastal systems: Perverse interactions among climate change, ecosystem degradation, energy scarcity and population. pp. 635-654. In: E. Wolanski, J. Day, M. Elliott, and R. Ramachandran (eds.), Coasts and Estuaries - The Future. Chapter 36. Elsevier. Amsterdam.

Yáñez-Arancibia, A. and J. Day. 2019. DimensiĂłn ecolĂłgica de los cambio globales: Integridad ecolĂłglica como estrategia para manejo ecosistĂ©mico costero en LatinoamĂ©rica. pp. 501-535.  In: P. Muniz, E. Brugnoll, N. Venturinl, and D. Conde (eds.), Ciencias Marino-Costeras en el Umbral del Siglo XXI – DesafĂ­os en LatinoamĂ©rica y el Caribe. AGT Editor, MĂ©xico, D.F.

Sánchez-Gil, P., J. W. Day and A. Yáñez-Arancibia. 2019. Eco-diversidad: Enfoque Ecosistémico costero marino. pp. 1-22. In: E. Rivera, P. Sanchez, and J. Gutierrez (eds.), Costas y Mares Mexicanos: Construyendo la Linea Base para su Futuro Sustenible. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche. Red RICOMAR. 334 p. doi: 10.26359.742667.1.

Day, J., D. Burdick, C. Ibáñez, W. Mitsch, and S. Rivaes. 2019. Restoration of tidal marshes. In: D. FitzGerald and Z. Hughes (eds.).  Coastal marshes: Function, Dynamics, and Stresses.  Cambridge University Press. In press.


1999-present, Distinguished Professor of Environmental Sciences, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, 51Âţ»­
1980-Present, Professor, Department of Oceanography and CoasSciences, Louisiana State University
1980-1982, Director, Coastal Ecology Laboratory, Center for Wetland Resources, Louisiana State University
1975-1980, Associate Professor, Department of Marine Sciences, 51Âţ»­
1972-1975, Assistant Professor, Department of Marine Sciences, 51Âţ»­
1971-1972, Research Associate, Department of Marine Sciences, 51Âţ»­

Other Experience

2000-2001, Visiting Scientist, Cambridge Coastal Research Unit, Dept. of Geography, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
1980-1995, Coordinator, Atchafalaya Research Program, Louisiana Sea Grant Program, LSU.
1990-1997, Professor, EPOMEX program, Univ. de Campeche, Mexico
1992-93, Visiting Professor, Laboratoire d’Ecologie des Systemes Fluviaux, Univ. Claude Bernard, Arles, France
1992-1992, Fullbright Fellowship, Laboratoire d’Ecologie des Systemes Fluviaux, Univ. Claude Bernard, Arles, France
1979-present, Adjunct Professor, Institute for Marine Sciences and Limnology, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
1986, Visiting Professor, Dept. of Plant Ecology, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
1974-1978, Coordinator, Systems Ecology Research, Office of Sea Grant, Louisiana State University
June 1979, Lecturer, Seminario Latino Americano Principios y Methodos en Ecologia de Lugunas Costeras, Cd. del Carmen, Mexico
1978-1979, Visiting Professor, Institute for Marine Sciences and Limnology, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Summer 1976, Lecturer in Ecology Course, The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Summer 1974, Participant, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Environmental and Social Costs of Energy Systems
1971, Visiting Research Associate, Department of Environmental Science, University of Florida
1975-77, Participant in International Biological Program Wetlands Working Group