Linda Bui headshotLinda M. Hooper-Bùi

Position: Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences


Bachelor's Degree(s): California State Univ. Long Beach. B.A. Biology. 1991.

Master's Degrees(s): University of California, Riverside. M.S. Entomology 1995.

Ph.D.(s): University of California, Riverside. Ph.D. Entomology 1998.

Biosketch: Biosketch of Linda M. Hooper-Bùi

Research Interests

Community structure, niche theory, disturbance/disaster ecology and multi-stressors in ecosystems, climate change and sea-level rise, intricate details of basic biology about how insects and spiders survive stressors, food webs and nutrient dynamics – from large scale to minuscule.

Classes Taught

Intro to Environmental Science

Conservation Biology (Fall)

Applied Ecology (Spring even years) (Learn more by checking out the for this class!)

How to Write a Scientific Paper (Summer – McNair Scholars)

Ecosystem Ecology (in development stage)

Awards & Honors

2012 Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America’s 2012 award for Distinguished Achievement in Teaching.

2004 Youth Service America State Farm Good Neighbor Service-Learning Award

2001 Orkin Award for Excellence in Research

Recent Publications

Callicott, K., Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2019). An investigation of environmental concentrations of atrazine, chlorothalonil, and fipronil in a Mississippi River-influenced marsh in southern Louisiana. MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 146, 1241-1248.

Qin, W., Chen, X., Hooper-Bui, L. M., Cai, J., Wang, L., Sun, Z., Wen, X., Wang, C. (2019). Food-burying behavior in red imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). PEERJ, 7.

Snyder, B. F., Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2018). A Teachable Moment: The Relevance of Ethics and the Limits of Science. BioScience, bix165.

Sokolov, I., Chen, X., Strecker, R. M., Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2018). An Annotated List of Auchenorrhyncha and Heteroptera Collected in the Coastal Salt Marshes of the Mississippi Delta in Louisiana. Psyche.

Bam, W., Hooper-Bui, L. M., Strecker, R. M., Adhikari, P. L., Overton, E. B. (2018). Coupled effects of oil spill and hurricane on saltmarsh terrestrial arthropods. PLOS ONE, 13(4).

Wang, C., Chen, X., Hooper-Bui, L. M., Strecker, R., Wen, Y.-Z., Qin, W.-Q., Ma, T., Sun, Z.-H., Chen, X.-Y., Wen, X.-J. (2018). How do groups of red imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) feed on a droplet of sugar water? INSECT SCIENCE, 25(3), 499-507.

Adams, B. J., Chen, X., Strecker, R., Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2017). A comparison of two insect collection techniques in oiled and non-oiled salt marshes in Louisiana. Florida Entomologist, 100(2), 366-371.

Chen, X., Adams, B., Layne, M., Swarzenski, C., Norris, D., Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2017). Effects of isolation on ant assemblages depend on microhabitat. ECOSPHERE, 8(12).

Olin, J. A., Burns, Christine M. Bergeon, Woltmann, S., Taylor, S. S., Stouffer, P. C., Bam, W., Hooper-Bui, L. M., Turner, R. E. (2017). Seaside Sparrows reveal contrasting food web responses to large-scale stressors in coastal Louisiana saltmarshes. ECOSPHERE, 8(7).

Chen, X., Adams, B., Sabo, A., Crupi, T., Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2016). Ant Assemblages and Co-Occurrence Patterns in Cypress-Tupelo Swamp. WETLANDS, 36(5), 849-861.

Wen, Y., Ma, T., Chen, X., Liu, Z., Zhu, C., Zhang, Y., Strecker, R., Henderson, G., Hooper-Bui, L. M., Chen, X., Sun, Z., Wen, X., Wang, C. (2016). Essential Balm: A Strong Repellent Against Foraging and Defending Red Imported Fire Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY, 109(4), 1827-1833.

Wang, C., Chen, X., Strecker, R., Henderson, G., Wen, X., Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2016). Individual and Cooperative Food Transport of the Red Imported Fire Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Laboratory Observations. JOURNAL OF INSECT BEHAVIOR, 29(1), 99-107.

Chen, X., Adams, B., Bergeron, C., Sabo, A., Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2015). Ant community structure and response to disturbances on coastal dunes of Gulf of Mexico. JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION, 19(1), 1-13.

Hooper-Bui, L. M., Kwok, E., Buchholz, B., Rust, M., Eastmond, D., Vogel, J. (2015). Insecticide Transfer Efficiency and Lethal Load in Argentine Ants. Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res B, 15(361), 665-669.

Turner, R. E., Overton, E., Meyer, B., Miles, S., Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2014). Changes in the concentration and relative abundance of alkanes and PAHs from the Deepwater Horizon oiling of coastal marshes. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 86, 291-297.

Turner, R. E., Overton, E., Meyer, B., Miles, S., Hooper-Bui, L. M., Summers-Engel, A., Swenson, E., Lee, J., Milan, C. (2014). Distribution and recovery trajectory of Macondo (Mississippi Canyon 252) oil in Louisiana coastal wetlands. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 87(1-2), 57-67.

Pennings, S. C., McCall, B. D., Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2014). Effects of Oil Spills on Terrestrial Arthropods in Coastal Wetlands. BIOSCIENCE, 64(9), 789-795.

Hooper-Bui, L. M., Rabalais, N., Engel, A. S., Turner, R. E., McClenachan, G., Robert, B., Overton, E., Justic, D., Strudivant, K., Brown, K., Conover, J. (2014). Overview of Research into the coastal effects of the Macondo Blowout from the Coastal Waters Consortium: A GoMRI Consortium. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, 1, 604-617.

Miscellaneous Publications
Hooper-Bùi, LM. Gulf Science Sputters. The Scientist. 16 March 2011.

Hooper-Bùi, LM. Not Yet. 225 Magazine. 1 April 2011.

Foil, L.D, L.M. Hooper-Bùi, D. Colby, G. Gentry, W. Hilbun, C. Husseneder, L.M. Inmon, S. Johnson. 2010. Balancing benefits and damage from fire ants in pastures. Louisiana Agriculture. 53:32-33.

Hooper-Bùi, L.M. 2010. Op-Ed: A Gulf Science Blackout. NY Times. 24 August 2010.

Hooper-Bùi, L.M. 2010. Oil’s Stain on Science. The Scientist.

Hooper-Bui LM, and M Seymour. 2007. Leaf-cutting Ants: Miniature ‘Town’ Builders. Louisiana Agriculture. 50:18-19

Hooper-Bui. 2007. Community-wide control of Argentine ants in Louisiana. Louisiana Agriculture. 50:20-21.

Hooper-Bui, B. Wiltz, M. Seymour. and L. Womack. 2007. Fire ants in New Orleans post Katrina. Louisiana Agriculture. 50:22-23.

B.M. Drees, C.L. Barr, S.B. Vinson, R.E. Gold, M.E. Merchant, E. Brown, K. Engler, M. Keck, P. Nester, D. Kostroun, K. Flanders, F. Graham, D. Pollet, L.M. Hooper-Bùi, P. Beckley, P.M. Horton, T. Davis, W. Gardner, K. Loftin, K. Vail, R. Wright, W. Smith, D.C. Thompson, J. Kabashima, L. Blake, P. Koehler, D. Oi, A-M. Callcott. 2006. Managing fire ant in urban areas. 30 pages. Authors not listed in order of contribution.

C. Barr, T. Davis, K. Flanders, W. Smith, L.M. Hooper-Bùi, P. Koehler, K. Vail, W. Gardener, B. Drees, T. Fuchs. 2005. Broadcast Baits for Fire Ant Control.

L.M. Hooper-Bùi. 2005. Managing Argentine ants in Louisiana. Bug Biz. Pub No. 2916. 2 pages.

S.T. Dash, L.M. Hooper-Bùi, and M.A. Seymour. 2005. Pest Ants of Louisiana: A Guide to Their Identification, Biology, and Control. Pub No. 2915. LSU AgCenter 28 color pages.

M.A. Seymour and L.M. Hooper-Bùi. 2003. Fire on the Mound: A Study of the Life and Times of Louisiana’s Red Imported Fire Ant. The Louisiana Conservationist. May/June 2003. 3 Pages with 6 color photos.

L.M. Hooper-Bùi. 2001. Using Broadcast Granular Baits for Large-scale Fire Ant Management in Louisiana. In: Integrated Pest Management in the Southern Region. Edited by Bobby Pass† at University of Kentucky. P. 31-32.

L.M. Hooper-Bùi. Fire Ant Control in Urban Areas. Louisiana Agriculture (Spring 2001).Volume 44(2):6-8. /LouisianaAgriculture/agmag/toc_44_2.htm.