Aixin Hou headshotAixin Hou

Position: Professor and Shell Professor in Oceanography/Wetland Studies, Department of Environmental Sciences

Phone: 225-578-4294

Fax: 225-578-4286


Office: 1255 Energy, Coast and Environment Building

Bachelor's Degree(s): B.S.Sc. Microbiology, Peking University, China, 1989

Ph.D.(s): Ph.D. Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Ghent University, Belgium, 1997 

Research Interests

Microbial ecology; biogeochemistry; water quality

Classes Taught

ENVS1126 Intro to Environmental Science

ENVS4035 Aquatic Pollution

Awards & Honors

Tiger Athletic Foundation Teaching Award, 51Âþ»­, 2015
The Rana Athar Memorial Lectureship, Florida A&M University, 2015
Pearson Sustainable Solutions Award, 2009
Tiger Athletic Foundation Teaching Award, 51Âþ»­, 2009
Phi Kappa Phi Non-tenured Faculty Award, 2006
Eco-Frontier Fellowship, Japanese Environmental Agency, 1998, 1999
DIAO Distinguished Research Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1996, 1997
NOVO Excellent Graduate Award, 1996

Recent Publications

Deis, D. R., Fleeger, J. W., Bourgoin, S. M., Mendelssohn, I. A., Lin, Q., Hou, A. (2017). Effects and recovery from shoreline oiling on saltmarsh macroinvertebrates. PeerJ.

Wang, J., Song, C., Hou, A., Xi, F. (2017). Methane Emission Potential from Freshwater Marsh Soils of Northeast China: Response to Simulated Freezing-Thawing Cycles. Wetlands.

Fang, S., Jia, X., Qian, Q., Cui, J., Cagle, C. A., Hou, A. (2017). Reclamation history and development intensity determine soil and vegetation characteristics on developed coasts. Science of the Total Environment, 586, 1263-1271.

Fleeger, J. W., Riggio, M. R., Mendelssohn, I. A., Lin, Q., Hou, A., Deis, D. R. (2017). Recovery of saltmarsh meiofauna six years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.

Chen, H., Hou, A., Corilo, Y., Lin, Q., Lu, J., Mendelssohn, I., Zhang, R., Rodgers, R., McKenna, A. (2016). Four years after the Deepwater Horizon spill: Molecular transformations of Macondo well oil in Louisiana salt marsh sediments revealed by FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(17), 9061-9069.

Lin, Q., Mendelssohn, I. A., Graham, S., Hou, A., Fleeger, J. W., Deis, D. R. (2016). Response of Salt Marshes to Oiling From the Deepwater Horizon Spill: Implications for Plant Growth, Soil Surface-Erosion, and Shoreline Stability. Science of the Total Environment, 557-558:369-377.

Guan, B., Yu, J. B., Hou, A., Wang, X. H. (2016). The ecological adaptability of Phragmites australis to interactive effects of water level and salt stress in the Yellow River Delta. Aquatic Ecology, 51, 107.

Fleeger, J. W., Carman, K. R., Riggio, M. R., Mendelssohn, I. A., Lin, Q., Hou, A., Deis, D. R., Zengel, S. (2015). Recovery of saltmarsh benthic microalgae and meiofauna following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill linked to recovery of Spartina alterniflora. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 536, 39-54.

Zhang, R., Wilson, V., Hou, A., Meng, G. (2015). Source of lead pollution, its influence on public health and the countermeasures. International journal of health, animal science and food safety, 2(1), 18-31.

Wang, J., Song, C., Hou, A. (2014). CO2 emissions from soils of different depths of a permafrost peatland, Northeast China: response to simulated freezing-thawing cycles. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 177(4), 524-531.

Wang, J., Song, C., Hou, A., Miao, Y., Yang, G., Zhang, J. (2014). Effects of freezing-thawing cycle on peatland active organic carbon fractions and enzyme activities in the Da Xing’anling Mountains, Northeast China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 72(6), 1853-1860.

Judy, C. R., Graham, S. A., Lin, Q. X., Hou, A. (2014). Impacts of Macondo oil from Deepwater Horizon spill on the growth response of the common reed Phragmites australis: A mesocosm study. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 79, 69-76.

Zhang, X., Song, C., Mao, R., Yang, G., Tao, B., Shi, F., Zhu, X., Hou, A. (2014). Litter mass loss and nutrient dynamics of four emergent macrophytes during aerial decomposition in freshwater marshes of the Sanjiang plain, Northeast China. Plant and Soil, 385, 139-147.

Selected Publications
Fleeger, J.W., K.R. Carman, R. Riggio, I.A. Mendelssohn, Q. Lin, A.X. Hou, D.R. Deis, and S. Zengel. 2015. Recovery of saltmarsh benthic microalgae and meiofauna following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill linked to recovery of Spartina alterniflora. Marine Ecology Progress Series 536: 39–54, 2015 (doi: 10.3354/meps11451).

Hou, A.X., B. Qi, R.J. Portier, and E.A. Laws. 2015. Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on water quality in New Orleans. In R.R. Watson, J.A. Tabor, J.E. Ehiri, & V.R. Preedy (Eds.), Handbook of Public Health in Natural Disasters: Nutrition, food, remediation and preparation, pp. 187- 204. Wageningen AcademicPublishers.

Zhang, R., V. Wilson, A.X. Hou, and G. Meng. 2015. Source of lead pollution, its influence on public health and the countermeasures.International journal of health, animal science and food safety 2 (1): 18-31.

Xinhou Zhang, Changchun Song, Rong Mao, Guisheng Yang, Baoxian Tao, Fuxi Shi, Xiaoyan Zhu, and Aixin Hou. 2014. Litter mass loss and nutrient dynamics of four emergent macrophytes during aerial decomposition in freshwater marshes of the Sanjiang plain, Northeast China. Plant and Soil 385: 139-147.

Judy, C.R., S.A. Graham, Q.X. Lin, A.X. Hou, and I.A. Mendelssohn. 2014. Impacts of Macondo oil from Deepwater Horizon spill on the growth response of the common reed Phragmites australis: A mesocosm study. Marine Pollution Bulletin 79: 69-76.

Wang, J., C. Song, A.X. Hou. 2014. CO2 emissions from soils of different depths of a permafrost peatland, Northeast China: response to simulated freezing-thawing cycles. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 177(4): 524-531 (doi: 10.1002/jpln.201300309).

Wang, J., C. Song, A.X. Hou, Y. Miao, G.Yang, and J. Zhang. 2014. Effects of freezing-thawing cycle on peatland active organic carbon fractions and enzyme activities in the Da Xing’anling Mountains, Northeast China. Environmental Earth Sciences 72 (6): 1853-1860 (doi 10.1007/s12665-014-3094-z.).

Hou, A.X. and H.N. Williams. 2013. Methods for sampling and analyzing wetland bacteria. In J.T. Anderson, & C.A. Davis (Eds.), Wetland Techniques, pp 59-92. New York, Springer.

Bhattacharyya, N. and A.X. Hou. 2013. A pentaplex PCR assay for detection and characterization of Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates. Letters in Applied Microbiology 57(3): 233-40 (doi: 10.1111/lam.12101).

Guo Y.D., Y.Z. Lu, Y.Y. Song, Z.M. Wan, and A.X. Hou. 2013. Concentration and characteristics of dissolved carbon in the Sanjiang Plain influenced by long-term land reclamation from marsh.Science of the Total Environment 466-467C:777-787 (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.07.076).

Zhang, R. and A.X. Hou. 2013. Host-Microbe Interactions in Caenorhabditis elegans. ISRN Microbiology, Article ID 356451,

Bae, H.S. and A.X. Hou. 2013. 23S rRNA gene-based enterococci community signatures in Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA, following urban runoff inputs after Hurricane Katrina. Microbial Ecology 65: 289-301 (doi: 10.1007/s00248-012-0166-z).

Nigro, O.D., A.X. Hou, G. Vithanage, R.S. Fujioka, and G.F. Steward. 2011. Seasonal and spatial variability in pathogenic Vibrio spp. in Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA, following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77: 5384-5393 (doi:10.1128/AEM.02509-10).

Zhang, X., C. Chen, P. Lin, A.X. Hou, Z. Niu, and J. Wang. 2011. Emergency drinking water treatment work during the water source pollution accidents in China: origin analysis, framework and technologies. Environmental Science and Technology 45 (1):161–167 (DOI: 10.1021/es101987e).

Hou, A.X., H. Tsuruta, M.A. McCreary, and Y. Hosen. 2010. Time-Depth profiles of NO, N2O, and mineral nitrogen concentrations in soils during a Chinese cabbage growing period as affected by urea placement. Soil Science & Plant Nutrition 56 (6):861-869.

Zhang, X.J., C. Chen, J.Q. Ding, A.X. Hou, Z.B. Niu, Y. Li, X. Y. Su, and Y.J. Xu. 2010. The 2007 water crisis in Wuxi, China: analysis of the origin. Journal of Hazardous Materials 182(1-3):130-135.

Han, F., S. Pu, A.X. Hou, and B. Ge. 2009. Characterization of clinical and environmental types of Vibrio vulnificus isolates from Louisiana oysters. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 6(10): 1251-1258 (doi: 10.1089/fpd.2009.0343).

Hou, A.X., R.D. DeLaune, M. Reams, M. Tan, and E.A. Laws. 2009. Toxic elements in aquatic sediments: distinguishing natural variability from anthropogenic effects. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 203: 179-191 (doi: 10.1007/s11270-009-0002-3).

Pinckney, J.L., J. Wee, A.X. Hou, and N. Walker. 2009. Phytoplankton community structure responses to urban effluent inputs following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Marine Ecology Progress Series 387: 137–146 (doi: 10.3354/meps08091).

Li, C., N. Walker, A.X. Hou, H. Roberts, E.A. Laws, E. Weeks, X. Li. 2008. Circular plumes in Lake Pontchartrain under wind straining. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 80: 161-172.

DeLaune, R.D., I. Devai, A.X. Hou, and A. Jugsujinda. 2008. Total and methyl Hg in sediment adjacent to offshore platforms of the Gulf of Mexico. Soil and Sediment Contamination 17(2): 98-106.

Hou, A.X., B. Qi, R.J. Portier, and E. Laws. 2008. Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on water supply, drainage and wastewater systems, and water quality in New Orleans. China Water & Wastewater 24(4):1-8 (in Chinese).

DeLaune, R.D., R.P. Gambrell, A. Jugsujinda, I. Devai , A.X. Hou. 2008. Total Hg, methyl Hg and other toxic heavy metals in a Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuary: Louisiana Pontchartrain Basin. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A 43(9):1006-1015.

Sinigalliano C.D., M.L. Gidley, T. Shibata, D. Whitman, T.H. Dixon, E. Laws, A.X. Hou, D. Bachoon, L. Brand, L. Amaral-Zettler, R. J. Gast, G. F. Steward, O. D. Nigro, R. Fujioka, W.Q. Betancourt, G. Vithanage, J. Mathews, L.E. Fleming, H. M. Solo-Gabriele. 2007. Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on Microbial Landscape of the New Orleans Area. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 104:9029-9034.

Hou, A.X. E.A. Laws, R.P. Gambrell, H.S. Bae, M. Tan, R.D. DeLaune, Y. Li, and H. Roberts. 2006. Pathogen indicator microbes and heavy metals in Lake Pontchartrain following Hurricane Katrina. Environmental Science and Technology 40: 5904-5910.

Jiao, Z., A.X. Hou, Y. Shi, G. Huang, Y. Wang, X. Chen. 2006. Water management influencing CH4 and N2O emissions from a rice field in relation to soil redox and microbial community. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 37:1889-1903.

Zheng, J., C. Wang, Y. Wang, A.X. Hou, C. Lu, Y. Shi, and X. Chen. 2006. Effect of N fertilization on N2O emission and soil nitrogen in aquic brown soil. Chin. J. System Sciences and Comprehensive Studies in Agriculture 22(2):139-142 (in Chinese).

DeLaune, R.D., A. Jugsujinda, I. Devai, and A.X. Hou. 2005. Denitrification in bottom sediment near oil production facilities off the Louisiana Gulf Coast. Chemistry and Ecology 21: 101-108.

Hou, A.X., and H. Tsuruta. 2003. Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide fluxes from an upland field in Japan: Effect of urea type, placement, and crop residues. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 65:191-200.

DeLaune, R.D., A.X. Hou, and A. Jugsujinda. 2003. Denitrification potential in a Louisiana wetland receiving diverted Mississippi river water. Chemistry and Ecology 19(6): 411-418.

Hou, A.X., G.X. Chen, Z.P Wang, O. Van Cleemput and W.H. Patrick, Jr. 2000. Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from a Rice Field in Relation to Soil Redox and Microbiological Processes. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64:2180-2186.

Hou, A.X, H. Akiyama, Y. Nakajima, S. Sudo, and H. Tsuruta. 2000. Effects of Urea form and Soil Moisture on N2O and NO Emissions from Japanese Andosols. Chemosphere-Global Change Science 2:321-327.

Hou, A.X., Z.P. Wang, G.X. Chen and W.H. Patrick Jr. 2000. Effects of Organic and N Fertilizers on Methane Production Potential in a Chinese Rice Soil and its Microbiological Aspect. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 58:333-338.

Hou, A.X., G. Chen, J. Wu, Z. Wang and O. Van Cleemput. 1998. Relationship between CH4 and N2O Emissions from Rice Field and its Impacting Factors. Rice Science, 6(4): 7-9.

Hou, A.X., G. Chen, J. Wu, Z. Wang and O. Van Cleemput. 1998. Microbiological Mechanism of the Dynamics of CH4 and N2O Emission from Rice Field – A Preliminary Study. Rice Science, 6(3): 10-11.

Hou, A.X., G. Chen and O. Van Cleemput. 1998. Effect of Different Nitrogen Fertilizers on N2O Emission from Soil. Chin. J. Appl. Ecol., 9(2): 176-180 (in Chinese).

Hou, A.X., G. Chen, Wu jie, Zhengping Wang and Oswald Van Cleemput. 1997. Relationship between CH4 and N2O Emissions from Rice Field and its Microbiological Mechanism and Impacting factors. Chin. J. Appl. Ecol., 8(3): 270-274 (in Chinese).